Dogs make wonderful family pets; they are loyal companions and lovable playmates for every generation of the family. Understandably, before bringing any animal into the home, many parents want to ensure that a new pet will be compatible with all members of the family, especially any young children.
The vast majority of dogs adore the smaller members of the family. In part, this is due to the pack instinct, which means that despite the fact that it is often only the alpha pair that mate, each and every member of the pack assists in the raising of cubs. Because domesticated dogs view their human companions as their pack, children are viewed as cubs. Subsequently, almost all dogs have a protective inclination towards kids in the family.
However, there are some breeds of dog that have a reputation with children that supersedes others. So, if you have a young family and are searching for a dog that will cherish your little ones, here are just a few of the breeds you might like to consider.
Dalmatians are very popular and lovable dogs. They make wonderful family pets, because they are energetic and fun-loving. Therefore, a Dalmatian makes a wonderful playmate for children who enjoy energetic play. Due to the Dalmatians excitability, it may not be ideal for parents with toddlers. Dalmatians are very gentle souls, but they are highly energetic especially as youngsters.
A Pug is the perfect little dog for any family. Unlike some smaller dogs, the pug is not prone to bouts of snappiness or aggression. In addition, the Pug is not known for yapping or barking. They may be small, but Pugs have a lot of love to give and are very affectionate towards children. However, parents should ensure that young children are not too over exuberant in their play with a Pug. Because of the dog's small stature, it is easy for some children to view the Pug as a toy. It is also important to mention that Pugs can become very distressed if left alone, so they may not be the ideal pet for a family in which both parents work.
The dog with arguably the best reputation with children is the Newfoundland. They are very large dogs, which may be off-putting for some parents. However, it should be born in mind that the Newfoundland is one of the gentlest breeds of dog. In addition, it is intelligent, easy to train, eager to please and, most importantly, a big lover of children. In many households, the Newfoundland will appoint itself 'protector' of the youngsters.
The Beagle is another very popular family pet. Unlike the Newfoundland, the Beagle will not take up a lot of room in the home and it is incredibly affection. In addition, Beagles are known for being very loyal and, typically, make excellent guard dogs. However, due to the strong attachment that a Beagle feels for its family, like the Pug, it may become distressed if left alone for extended periods of time.
Like the Newfoundland, the Mastiff is a giant dog. Therefore, when deciding on which breed is right for you, space should be an important consideration. However, large dogs are known for being particularly good with children. Typically, giant dog breeds have an excellent temperament and are very patient with youngsters. Again, like the Newfoundland, the Mastiff is very intelligent and, therefore, easy to obedience train.
There are numerous other breeds that are equally good with children. The above list contains just a few of the breeds with an excellent reputation.
The process of selecting a family pet is an exciting time, but it is important to remember that offering a place in your family to a dog is a big commitment and, therefore, should be considered carefully.
Samantha Markham is a professional freelance writer. She is currently working on behalf of, an online supplier of pet products and gifts, such as dog & puppy supplies and dog beds, bowls & toys.