
2012年9月16日 星期日

Children and Cats

Children and cats' companionship is not only possible but also preferable. A cat can play a role of an aid for a child who has already learnt to walk. The child can take care of the pet, feeding it, brushing and generally looking after. This is way children learn to understand animals. If you have a female cat your children can acquire knowledge about intimate animal's life, and how to take care of just born kittens. In this case the breed of the pet doesn't play any role.

Who can take care of a pet?

If your children want to have a cat home and you have a plan to purchase this animal to please them do not do it if you dislike cats. One of you has to take the responsibly to take care of the pet and show the children how to treat it kindly. You cannot burden your children completely and make them take care of the animal they wanted. Children can forget about feeding the cat or they might get tired of their new responsibly. This change of attitudes toward the pet will change the animal's well-being. Also never give your friends' children a cat as a present if you are not sure their parents are not totally for it as well. There can be some certain circumstances and reasons which do not allow your friends' children to have a cat and you may not know about them.

How to treat your cat?

It is very important to rule out bad treatment, this usually happens because many people simply do not know how to treat cats. You should not squeeze the cat or uninterruptedly caress it. It is necessary to explain to the children that they have to act towards cats as they want people to act towards them. If the children deal harshly with such helpless animals it will also learn to treat them in the same fashion.

Little babies and cats

Children who can't walk yet may have some problems with cats. Babies like to stroke cats very much, and the cats are also fond of it to. It is very amusing but the adults must not leave the baby alone with a kitten or a cat because little babies tend to grab and pull things so unexpectedly. It might make a cat or kitten ready to attack causing aggression and possible pain.

Children who are between 3 and 6 years old should have a firm footing and be comfortable before giving them a cat. Otherwise they might drop the animal, especially if the kitten scratches or bites.

Hygiene and diseases

A cat can be a cause of different diseases and it might be dangerous for children who are in a contact with animals and do not take simple precautions. Many children still have a habit to take different objects and fingers into the mouth. One of the most dangerous diseases is toxoplasmosis. Thus it is very important to keep an eye at them and do not allow the children and the pet to access each other meals. Do not allow the cat to lick your baby's face. The child must wash his or her hands after playing with the cat and the child must not place the hands into his or her mouth while playing. Be careful outside and do not allow your baby to play in the sand where cats possibly can use it as a toilet.

Teach your children to respect and treat kindly any creature and when its time to go into the world they will become much kinder and more humane.

We offer you a real lovely pedigree Maine coon kittens and cats. Both sexes are available. We have cats and kittens. Our Maine coon cats are red tabby, brown, silver, blue, cream and tortie tabby. Also we can offer you the essential items of equipment such as feed bowl, water bowl, collar, cat food, a cat bed and some suitable cat toys before getting a cat. You have to be ready completely for the cat's arrival.

