Whatever type of pet you choose for you home, make sure that your child is ready for it. Consider the age of your child and the kind of pet you will allow into your home. Children love pets and there are not many children who do not like pets. Here are a few to consider having as your very own.
Hermit crabs are always a favorite among children. They are very easy to take care of and do not produce any mess. They are good company keepers for kids and they do grow into bigger shells, and can be left to crawl around on their own.
A hamster on the other hand requires a little more care and attention. They need fresh food and water every day and their cage cleaned at least once a week. Parents should be aware of the fact that hamsters are nocturnal in nature.
What this means is that they are night time creatures and will want to be up and playing with your kids when they are supposed to be in bed sleeping.
Dogs and cats are the more common pets and tend to become part of families and require just as much care and attention. They can be fairly easy to take care of with the proper house training.
These pets require regular bathing and grooming and must be fed several times during the day especially when they are young. Shedding can also be a problem. Parents should be aware that it will take many hours of hard work to get that new puppy trained.
One could consider training classes for their puppies as this will reduce their workload and take much of the guess work out of the process of training. Cats need similar care but less on the training needs.
Fish and reptiles are good pets to have but they do not offer companionship. When you are choosing a pet make sure that you take into consideration your child's personality and temperament as many pets require love and affection. Also you will want to choose a pet that teaches your child responsibility.
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