
2012年11月11日 星期日

New Babies and Pets - Can They Coexist?

When you bring a new baby into a home with a pet, there are always concerns. Will the pet harm the baby? Will the pet cause allergies? These are the two most common questions, in addition to many more. The fact is bringing a baby into your pet's world can take some adjusting. But there are things you can do to make the transition go smoothly.

In most homes the pet was there first. When you have a pet and no children, there is plenty of time to devote to the pet. You can play, go for walks, and snuggle up with your pet on cold days. But then you bring the baby home. All of the sudden you are devoting more time to this bundle in the blanket, and the pet doesn't understand why. There may be some jealousy to begin with, but pets love their families unconditionally so they will adapt to the changes quickly.

Many people worry that their pet will harm the new baby. This very rarely happens. If your pet isn't aggressive, you shouldn't have any problems. Allow your pet to become acquainted with the new addition to the family. While you are holding the baby, let the pet look and sniff so they can become familiar with the baby's scent. Generally, dogs and cats are curious about the baby. They don't want to harm it.

This being said, you should still supervise the pet when it is in the same room as the baby. Large dogs may jump up to get a closer look and knock over an infant carrier or bassinet. Cats may try to snuggle baby in the crib, so keep the baby's door closed during nap time.

To protect your child from curious pets, make sure you keep the pet's nails clipped. The cat or dog may try to paw at the baby and sharp claws can scratch. It is also a good idea to keep your pet bathed and brushed to help prevent excess shedding. Babies like to put everything in their mouths and you don't want their toys covered in pet hair!

Some people mistakenly believe that having pets in the house cause allergies. It is actually the opposite. Studies have shown that children who grow up with pets in the house have fewer allergies than those who don't. This could be because their bodies develop a resistance to pet dander since they are exposed to it on a daily basis.

The bottom line is pets and babies can safely live in the same home. In fact, your pet will soon become fiercely loyal to your new addition. Plus, you children will learn to love animals if they have one that is a part of the family.

Piper enjoys spending time with her family and their three dogs. She gets rid of pet odors so her home is always smelling fresh. She writes about anything and everything on her blog, www.reviewmama.com.

