As well as being used for transporting an enormous range of items, truck owners today also often use their vehicles for trips with their children and pets. There is a whole range of truck accessories geared towards making their journey a comfortable and enjoyable experience.
Travel with children
The most important thing to all parents when transporting their children is safety. Babies under 9 months (and 20lbs) should always travel in a rearward facing seat to help protect their fragile necks in case of an accident. Once they have reached 20 lbs (weight is more important than age) they can be moved to a forward facing seat. When buying a seat it is very important to check that it is suitable for your particular vehicle. Many manufacturers provide guides on their websites saying which of their seats are suitable for which vehicles.
There are many truck accessories available for parents of young children. Portable food coolers and warmers are fantastic for keeping food fresh and at a temperature suitable for an infant to eat. They can keep baby bottles warm and medicine cool! Sunshades help to protect children from harmful UV rays and stop them overheating in direct sunlight and special rear view mirrors can help parents to keep an eye on young infants in rearward facing seats.
For many parents the worst thing about travelling with children is that they get bored and begin to argue. Therefore it is well worth investing in a selection of travel games and books and a good storage system to keep them in so that the truck doesn't resemble a play pen!
Travel with pets
Pets have slightly different travel needs to children though they still require comfort and security. The most important travel accessory when on a journey with your pet is a good seat cover. The cover will ensure that the seats don't get covered in animal hair and will reduce that animal smell. You can even buy padded covers to give your pet an extra comfy ride.
A pet that can move about in a vehicle is a danger to itself and the other occupants of the vehicle and it is therefore necessary to install some sort of safety barrier. This could be a backseat barrier so that your dog can't come between the front seats to join the driver or a partition to separate the dog from other occupants of the back seat. Dog vehicle harnesses are another way to stop a dog from roaming and also give the added safety of a safety belt so that in the case of an accident your beloved pet is not injured by being thrown around.
Another set of truck accessories [] for pets are specially designed pet bowls and water bottles allow your pet to feed and drink while travelling without the added nuisance of food and water spilled over your upholstery.