
2012年9月18日 星期二

Pet Strollers in the Morning

Our pets are our young children; at least most of us pet lovers believe this. Just as young children constantly need our attention and cannot be left alone in the house, pet parents believe the same is true with pets - cats or dogs.

A pet parent day begins with breakfast. Next comes an outing, either to school with the "real" children or to do errands of some sort. If the school is nearby the children get their coats on while the pet is put in his pet stroller. Then everyone walks to school. (At first, some people might ask whether there has been a new baby added to the family!) For sure, a lot of fuss will be made over the pet, and the stroller! The children love this attention and will want to walk the pet to school every day. Other mothers are usually envious and ask where they can find a pet stroller.

If the school is some distance away, or school is not on the agenda, the pet parent loads the pet stroller body (pet inside) into the car. The stroller wheels collapse easily and go in the trunk. Now pet and parent can go shopping, attend a doctor's appointment, do some errands, walk in the park or meet a friend for lunch.

In a world without pet strollers, all this long morning the pet would have been home alone lazily wandering around or sleeping. Research tells us that pets usually sleep when left unattended in a house for long periods. Then when you get home they want to be taken out, when all you want to do is sit down and have a cup of coffee.

This scene illustrates how owning a pet stroller changes, and improves, the family dynamic. A potentially dreary day gets off to a good start. After breakfast, excitement is in the air. Everyone is going out together - pet and all! This is new, this is convenient, this is cutting edge, this is the future of pet owning.

Furthermore, the events above cover just a typical regular morning. There's still an afternoon full of opportunities and an evening when everyone can go out together again. Imagine for a moment where you and your pet and your family and friends could go together, if only you had a pet stroller! Pet stores don't yet sell many, so look to the internet to choose one. http://petstrollerdepot.com has a good selection.

Research tells us that pets usually sleep when left alone in the house for long periods of time. A pet stroller is a good way to keep your pet alert and interested. You will not need to leave him/her behind any more. Go to http://petstrollerdepot.com and get one delivered to your door.

