When it comes to finding a pet for children, guinea pigs are top of the list. They are naturally curious and energetic creatures that can provide tons of entertainment for even young children. Watching them play in their cage is enjoyable and often comical. At some point, your child will want to hold their new pet, and most guinea pigs are happy to be held. Of course, parental supervision is necessary because they can bite if threatened or frightened.
As a parent, you should become acquainted with your guinea pig before your child does. You will notice that they make different noises which indicate how they are feeling. If they squeak or squeal, you can bet that the little guy is frightened. Care should also be taken when you remove them from the cage. Make sure that your children learn how to cup the entire animal in their hand, rather than grab them as they would a larger animal. This ensures that your child doesn't accidentally injure their pet. Have your child sit down with their new little friend and pet them gently. Remind children that while their new little friend is getting used to them, they must remain calm and quiet so they don't scare him.
One aspect of having a guinea pig that makes them a great match for children is that they crave attention. they really aren't happy by themselves and your child will find that their new pet actually react happily when they come in the room or play with them. For the most part, they are very gentle as can be, and can even be snuggly friends. They like to play and run, and will often do 'tricks' in order to get attention. Remember if your child loses interest in their little furry friend that you might want to consider getting the pig another one to keep it company, as they thrive having friends.
One thing to watch is that many children tend to over feed them. This can be very dangerous. Make sure that the adults in the home over see the feeding and care of the guinea pig so that a child doesn't accidentally feed them something wrong or in excess. Children will want to please their pet by offering unlimited treats. Instead, educate your child about how to take care of them and how important it is to refrain from overfeeding them.
these little lovable fellows don't take up much space. They can live happily in your child's room offering them a close friend and they are much easier to take care of than a dog. However, you have to realize that a well taken care of guinea pig will live quite a while. With a lifespan of 7 years of so, you may be the one taking care of the little guy for the long-term.
Guinea pigs make great pets for children. Even young children while supervised can learn to be caring and soft when it comes to their pet. One thing is for sure, they are extremely fun animals to own and become more lovable as time goes on.
You need more information on Guinea Pigs, You can get it by visiting my website at
http://www.TheGoldMineForGuineaPigLovers.com You learn about choosing the right Guinea Pig, Bringing your new pet home, Tips on health, breeding and grooming your new Guinea Pig, Information that is a Gold Mine for The Guinea Pig Lover