Today's most popular toys occupying many kid's rooms are the Go Go Pets Hamsters. Christmas is approaching and these wonderful little hamsters are almost on every kid's list of what they want to have as Christmas present.
These toys are predicted to be the most popular and largest selling toy for the 2009 Christmas season, and in many locations Go Go Pets are running out of stock. Today is the right time to have one as you may lose out on the opportunity of owning Go Go Pets if you wait too long.
You will definitely be in line with the world's trend setters seeing these cute hamsters in your home.
What exactly keeps the children crazy about these Go Go Pets? Although these hamsters run on batteries, they look and act exactly like the real ones. Both parents and children love all of these Go Go Pets because they are exactly like real hamsters.
And parents enjoy them because they don't mess up the place, while children get excited with these alternatives to live pets.
They have a lot of fun accessories and they sound exactly like the real hamsters. Parents do not have anything to worry about leaving these Go Go Pets alone with their children because they don't need to be fed and their furs are non-allergenic.
These Go Go Pets are even much clever than the real ones because they are built with artificial-intelligence. You can choose from the 4 Go Go Pets Hamsters, or even better, own them all.
There is Num Nums, Mr. Squiggles, Chunk, and Pipsqueak.
Mr. Squiggles is the number 1 best selling hamster among the four. Maybe because of his light brown color that closely resembles a live hamster which makes him the most desirable among the Go Go Pets.
Mr. Squiggles is also the most adventurous of all. Mr. Squiggles weighs about the weight of the real hamster and is quicker than his other friends. He also loves to cuddle just like real hamsters.
You would want to have Chunk along with Mr. Squiggles because Chunk is the naughty one who loves mischief. Chunk has a cute little red nose and is covered with a white coat.
Pipsqueak is colored with a yellowish-brown coat. Num Nums is dark grey in color and is the cutest of all. Your hamster cage will be full of adventure for you children if you own all four of them.
Learn more about go go pets. Visit http://www.// NOW to gain access to Go Go Pets Hamsters!