Pets are truly members of the family. Over 60% of American households have at least one dog, cat, bird, or other companion animal. Many have more than one. Pets are popular because they provide companionship, unconditional love, a sense of safety, and often a service. These are probably some of the reasons why you're thinking about getting a pet. Animals are fun to be with every day. They reality is they make us feel good!
The most important thing about getting a new pet is that you consider which animal best suits your family. You can start by asking yourself some questions. A pet will become your daily responsibility, so make an informed pet selection. Don't let the playful antics of the first puppy, kitten, or bird you see or the latest status-symbol pet charm you into accepting a responsibility for which you and your family are not prepared.
There are millions of unwanted pets that have to be put to death each year. Pets selected on impulse, "for the children," or as a gift during the holidays sometimes end up this way. These pets once belonged who people who fell in love in with them as puppies or kittens and then their minds because of a lack of commitment or bad behavior caused by neglect or poor training.
Selecting a pet should be a family project with everyone's needs, concerns, fears, and medical history (including allergies) considered. Family members should decide together what kind of animal they want, the amount of time they anticipate spending with it, and the amount of responsibility each person is willing to assume. Be realistic. Promises from some family members, particularly children, may not be fulfilled. Your goal is to identify the best animal(s) for your living space, lifestyle, and budget (don't forget pets cost money). Take time, involve the family, and follow these nine rules.
Consider these things carefully: your new best friend can become your worst nightmare through no fault of its own simply because you didn't take the time to think things out. Only good decisions lead to great pets.
Rule 1 - Don't Be Impulsive
Try not to adopt or purchase a pet impulsively. Make it a deliberate, thought-out action. Buying a pet at a pet shop because it looks so, so adorable is not a good way to add another to your family that could be with you for as many as 10 or 20 years. Sometimes we are not the best judges of our needs and sometimes our desires don't really fit our needs. Ask a close friend or relative what kind of pet they think would fit your life style. Don't be impulsive!
Rule 2 - Visit The Humane Society And Other Animal Rescue Organizations
Pay a few walk-through trips to your local humane society or ferret, guinea pig and rabbit rescue organizations and interact with some of the animals there in a quiet one-on-one basis. Don't pay too much attention to the chatter regarding specific pets. Just observe the pet when it is alone with you and try to make a mental list of its positive and negative points.
Rule 3 - Shop Around
Take the time to learn everything about the type of pet (breed, gender, etc.) you are considering. Pet stores have a pre-designed bias to sell the animals so they are often not the best places to learn about your new pet. Often the negative aspects of a species are glossed over. Remember that a new pet can change the structure of a family and needs to be acceptable to all family members. If you are considering purchasing a dog, learn about the special attributes of many breeds. Dog breeds are as different in their personalities. They all have different temperaments, abilities and needs.
Rule 4 - Consider Your Home Environment
How much space do you have? Is there a back yard? Is it fenced? How will your neighbors feel about this new pet? If you rent, what will your landlord think about this pet? Some pets are great for apartments and others will get you evicted. It's important to consider the right breed for your environment.
Rule 5 - Match Your Pet To Your Life Style
Are you active? Do you work late hours? Some pets get very lonely by themselves while others are not bothered by being alone. Do you have children? Are they mature enough not to be a threat to the pet you choose? Do you travel and if so who will care for the pet while you are away?
Rule 6 - Why Do You Want A Pet
Did the kids just move away? Are you young and on your own for the first time? There is nothing wrong with wanting a pet for any reason as long as you are committed to the concept of owning a pet for the rest of its life. Many pets can live for 10 - 15 years or more. For a pet to be displaced after years with you can be devastating to the animal and can ultimately end with disastrous results.
Rule 7 - Is The Right Time In Your Life To Get A Pet
Is this really the right time in your life to own a (another) pet. If you already have other pets how will they get along with the new one? How stable are your human relationships? How good is your health? These are all very important considerations.
Rule 8 - Are You Able To Meet This Pets Specific Needs
Do some research online or at the library and learn how much care your pet will need. Do you have enough time to properly feed and clean for it? Many pets get bored if they do not have enough one-on-one contact. This boredom can lead to any number of behavioral disorders.
Rule 9 - Finances
Besides the initial cost of the pet, you will inevitably need to pay for vaccinations, emergency Vet bills, cost of any damage the pet creates. Over time, the cost of a good diet will far exceed whatever you paid for the animal. And don't forget pet sitters and dog walkers.
Animal Love Pets is dedicated to helping promote the love of animal and responsible pet ownership through an online portal and the design and creation of unique pet products and designer pet wares.
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