A pet is one of the best gifts that you can give to your child. It makes your child responsible enough in taking care of his or her pet and teaches him or her to value and be kind to animals. Dogs are one of the most preferred pets by the parents because dogs are very practical to adopt. However, not all dogs are suitable for the young children. You may now ask what is best dog breed for children.
You may probably think of giving your kid a puppy or any small dog breed. But you must check first for the characteristics of the dogs that you may want to give your kid. A puppy would grow up and it might turn out that the dog breed is not suitable for your little one. Not all small dog breeds are safe for a kid, too.
Chihuahua and Yorkshire Terriers are small dog breeds but they are not recommended for children. They may be too small and your child can accidentally drop or step on them and these dogs could be aggressive if treated roughly. When your St. Bernard or Chow pup grows up and your child isn't that big enough to handle bigger dogs, your child may get hurt by these grown up animals.
Whether the dog is large or small, or whether the dog has hunting or guarding qualities, it could still be perfect for the children if the temperament and other behaviors would promise to be child-friendly.
Labrador Retriever or Labs is one of the large-sized dogs that are suitable for children. The gentle and playful nature of the Labs makes it harmless towards children. It likes to play, jump and be in the company of someone.
The sometimes stubborn Beagle is one of the breeds that are most recommended for kids. This dog can easily get along with a stranger, although it gives out some barks at first. It is full of energy and loves to play around and likes to have an outdoor activity. It is also free from the common dog odor. Brushing its coat occasionally will be enough to keep it well-groomed.
The poodle comes next in the list of the best dog breed for children. Originally from Germany, this poodle possessed both glamour and intelligence. It could be easily trained and would definitely love your company. You must only not forget to provide it with professional grooming at least once a month.
The friendly Golden Retriever is kind to children, too. It loves to do a lot of activities and would become depressed if it stays alone in a room. Since it loves doing activities, an exercise everyday would keep him happy and fit. It is affectionate and at the same time strong. It can be both playful and could be a guard dog.
Basset Hound is another dog that loves to be with kids, but you should not allow your very young children near this dog. If you do not feel like attending to a dog's needs, this dog could be the best breed for you because it only needs minimal amount of grooming and exercise.
So before you pick a puppy or a small dog for your child, make sure you are going to take some time to look at the dog's trait.
Looking for more information on what is the [http://www.dogbreedhub.com] most popular dog breed Visit [http://www.dogbreedhub.com] today to learn everything there is to know!