So you have made the decision to keep a small pet. Whether you are getting your new friend from professional breeders, friends or pet stores, you need to be aware that the animals may vary widely in the quality of their health, as well as in the nature of their personality. Selecting an unhealthy pet can lead to big health care expenses, while choosing a sullen or anxious pet can interfere with your mutual enjoyment and happiness. Here are some tips to help you search objectively, by asking yourself and others the right questions.
Small pets include guinea pigs, hamsters, gerbils, sugar glider, chinchillas, mice and rabbits. Because small pets are nocturnal, observing them under "normal" conditions may be difficult. Throughout the day, and even under store lights in the evening, nocturnal animals, such as hamsters and chinchillas, are likely to be sleeping. They are also likely to find customer traffic intimidating. I would recommend that you visit prospective small animal pets on more than one occasion. Watch for these behaviours, both good and bad.
People often have preconceived ideas about how domestic rabbits should behave as pets. When the rabbit does not live up to these expectations, it is often abandoned. Being aware of these misconceptions and accepting your rabbit for what he is will make you and your rabbit much happier.
We always have this misconception that rabbits are low maintenance pets. Rabbits require as much work as a cat or dog. They require fresh food and water daily, clean cages and litter boxes. In addition, rabbits require daily exercise and out of cage time in a "bunny-proofed" area for their mental and physical well-being.
Rabbits are ideal starter pets for children. Most young children are actually not ready for the responsibility of caring for a pet. Within weeks of bringing the rabbit home, children may lose interest in the rabbit. Taking care of rabbits then become the parents responsibility.
Do all rabbits love to be picked up and cuddled? Rabbits are often featured in childrens books as being cuddly and docile. While some rabbits certainly enjoy spending time with their owners. Most rabbit do not like to be held or carried. Rabbit bites or scratch to remove itself from this situation.
Rabbits are bred to look a certain way, not for behavior or personality traits. Even dwarf rabbits need cages large enough to allow space for the rabbits to stretch out and stand up on its back legs.
Getting an older or second-hand rabbits are dangerous because they may be aggressive. Many rabbits are re-homed through no fault of their own. Even those that have been re-home several times can still bond with a new owner and display signs of affection. It can be rewarding to adopt a rabbit and give them a second chance for a happy life.
I am a pet lover and I analysis pets characters. Pets are lovely to have but you as their owner plays a very important roll to care for them and keep them safe and living today.