Talking about cremation urns for pets is never easy, because it implicitly means that there was a loss of a pet in the family. Particularly if children are around, this is something very difficult to process. Children are unusually those in the family that have a strong bond to their pet and losing their dear friend is bound to affect them to no end.
When such a tragedy happens in the family, you need to let the children deal with their grief in their own time. They cannot be rushed and simply buying them a new (even if very similar) pet will not help them. Actually this might just aggravate the situation at times. So what to do when a pet belonging to your kids died, how to cope with it and how to help your kids cope with it as well?
This is where pet cremation urns can actually help as they are quite effective in helping children heal, and this is why.
First of all when you buy the cremation urn for pets, make sure that your child is involved in the process. Let them pick the urn that mostly symbolizes the pet, that mostly reminds them of the dog or cat's character, personality. This will ensure them feeling that they are part of the process somehow, that they are involved and not only pushed aside.
Also having a pet urn will convince your kids that the pet will not simply slip into being forgotten, but they will be always part of your life and your children's life. The urns should be place in a visible area (on a shelf, for example) in the house, where the kids can have easy access to always seeing it. The children usually feel comfortable knowing that the urns will always remind them of the fun times they had with their beloved pet.
Also they will have a first sense of the afterlife. This is a rather difficult concept for small ones to grasp, so having a first understanding of it will help them later on deal with their grief easier when a family member will pass away. The child might have various questions regarding the afterlife, so be prepared to answer them to the best of your abilities.
Your children can help you in choosing the best pet cremation urns either at the local funeral parlor or online at trusted shops like Amazon. There is a wide selection of these beautiful urns for ashes and your little ones will have a sense of fulfillment when they are part of something important that will keep the memory of their dear pet alive somehow.