
2012年8月3日 星期五

Great Exotic Pets For Your Children

Are you looking for a great pet for your kids? While the traditional cat or dog can both be great pets for kids, you may be looking for something a bit more exotic or unusual. In this case, you will be happy to know that there are many other types of pets that can be a great choice for households with children.

The Guinea Pig

Guinea pigs can be excellent pets for children, though it should be noted that they do need to be handled gently in order to prevent injury. Since they are easy to handle and are usually quite tame, gentle handling is generally not a problem. Guinea pigs have a tendency to be quite active throughout the day as well as during the nighttime, which means they can provide entertainment to your children throughout the day. They do need to have a large living space, however, and they require fresh vitamin C-rich foods each day in order to stay healthy. In addition, they should always be kept in pairs in order to prevent boredom and loneliness.

Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches

Although most people don't think of cockroaches when they think of pets, Madagascar hissing cockroaches can make for a very unique and low-maintenance pet for a child. Of course, they are not cute, cuddly, furry little creatures, so you should make certain your kids are interested in this type of pet before you make a purchase. If so, you and your children will be happy to find that the cockroaches are docile creatures that can be easily handled. In addition, the hissing noise they make - which is not a sign of aggression - can be quite endearing.

Leopard Geckos

If your children are interested in having a pet lizard, the leopard gecko is a great choice. Not only are they easy to find when compared to other types of lizards, they are generally less expensive and far easier to care for. It is important to keep in mind, however, that leopard geckos do require a special tank set-up that can be a bit costly to get started. Once you have the tank set up properly, maintaining these creatures as pets is pretty simple and they are quite docile. Therefore, they can be easily handled by a child. After handling the pet, make certain your child washes his or her hands thoroughly with soap and water in order to avoid the possibility of becoming infected with salmonella.


If you are looking for a soft and fuzzy critter to buy for your children, you might want to consider a gerbil. Gerbils are smaller than guinea pigs, but they can also become quite tame if handled on a regular basis. It is important to note that they are very social creatures, so you should keep more than one at a time. In addition, they are quite active and can be a great deal of fun for your children to watch and to play with - just be sure to caution your children about grabbing the gerbil by its tail, as this can be quite painful for the pet.

CS Swarens is the CEO of Find a Pet Online. 800 998-7065

For additional information on dogs, cats, birds, horses, and exotic pets visit the internet's resource for pets for sale.

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