A pet can be a wonderful thing for a child. Not only can they provide lover and friendship, but they can also spark a child's intellect and further the mind's understanding and comprehension of the world. What kind of pet should one get? Well, there are many choices, but one of the best might be a dog. They are called man's best friend for a reason.
Most children love animals. Most children beg their parents for a pet if they don't already have one. Children love the affection that a pet can give. They love the fun they can have with one. They're a friend when no one else is around. They're a relief and comfort when things get too sad or tough in life. They're a great way to get a child to be more active and take on responsibilities of helping to take care of a pet.
Why a dog and not another pet?
Dogs generally provide the most interaction with humans, especially children. Cats can be very anti-social to children, particularly smaller ones. Unlike dogs, they don't show so much attention towards babies either and probably won't be as entertaining or amusing to the young child.
Rodents, birds and other caged animals take much longer to get adjusted to their new family. A child won't really understand how to properly react and treat these creatures to get them to be more affectionate with them. Dogs are more social and therefore can be the best choice to being a child's pet companion.
When is a good time to get a pet?
It's never a bad time to get a pet, but having one already accustomed and a part of the family before having a child can be a good idea. This isn't always able to be planned, of course, but having a pet before working on having children can be a good idea for the future parents too. This is a good idea because it can get the pet trained and keep all attention on this training.
People worry that the pet might become jealous of the child. This is only true if the owners neglect the pet and focus solely on the child. The thing to remember that the pet is still a family member and isn't just a placeholder until something "better" comes along.
Why get a pet before having a child?
There are a few important reasons here. Along with the already stated getting the pet adjusted with its owners and trained, it also allows the child to get used to the pet growing up. It can really strengthen their bond. The dog may see the child as more of a family member than just an owner. It can be more protective and loving as the child grows up. This can help to assure that the dog will know not to play too rough with the child and also to keep a close eye on the child, almost like a friendly chaperone.
What are the benefits to the baby?
A baby is constantly learning new things and adjusting to the world. Their minds are developing everything and anything they will need to survive, to live, to experience their life. One example is their understanding of nature and animals. A pet can be both a way to learn and a way to amuse the child while still being a pet and a friend to the family.
The child's curious mind can further develop with the interaction of the dog. Not only does it help the child to understand what a dog is, but it also helps the child to develop concepts of color, movement, texture, friendship, and new sensations. The dog will amuse the child and interest their mind to further try to figure out what this thing is. This is not to say that the dog is a toy. It is always a pet and a family member, but it can hold more interest and curiosity to the child that will help development.
A pet isn't just something to get because you want a child to be happy. It is a huge responsibility and requires a lot of time and attention. But it is important to realize how much a child's growth from the early years, to teen and adult years, is affected positively by a good pet. Animals can be great friends and provide a lot to all of us regardless of our age. Getting your child to love animals at a young age can help them have a better appreciation for the world and teach them life lessons effectively and positively.
Jake Rose is an artist and an author from Massachusetts.
This article has been submitted in affiliation with http://www.BabyNameVote.Com which is a site for Baby Names.