Children love animals. One only has to ask a child what their favorite movie, book or toy is and there is a good chance that it involves an animal. Pets are a wonderful addition to families for many reasons. They are sweet, they are fun and they teach us to love unconditionally. Children will learn to care for pets, they will learn about empathy and about responsibilities and they will find out how much joy a pet can be. Not all pets, however, are appropriate for children. Choose a pet that interests your child, one that is relatively easy to care for and one that gets along with people and other pets.
A guinea pig is the sweetheart of all pets. If you get them young enough, they learn to enjoy cuddling, will eat from your hands and squeak happily at the sound of your voice. They are pretty easy to care for. Feed them daily, clean and refresh their water bottle every other day or so and change their bedding once a week. Other than that, all they require is a cage and a house for quiet time.
Another easy pet is a New Caledonian Crested Gecko. These geckos do not need humidifiers or special light-bulbs. Unlike lizards and chameleons, these geckos do not have to be fed live crickets. In the wild they live on rotting vegetation and at home they eat baby food and Crested Gecko food. They are gentle (they will sit on your arm for hours), have fun personalities and do not bite or scratch. You can, however, make their tail come off quite easily so teach your little ones to pick them up gently by holding their bodies, not their tails.
Other pets include cats and dogs which are the most popular pets in the United States. They also need more care so consider wisely. Rabbits can be taught to play ball and use a litter box, hamsters can be hand-fed and fish are fun to watch. The one thing that all pets have in common is the happiness they can bring into our lives.
When Dan is not out walking his dogs or playing games with his cats, he writes consumer reviews. His latest project has to do with the Goodyear assurance tripletred tire. So if you're looking for tire reviews, check out his blog at Goodyear assurance.