
2012年9月30日 星期日

Finding the Perfect Pet for Your Home

A pet can be a wonderful addition to your family. Whether you are alone or married with several children, an animal companion can offer fun, friendship and comfort. The most common pets are the cuddly, furry types adored by children and adults alike. However, there are plenty of other options as well. Choosing your pet should be a careful decision made by evaluating your family's needs.

What Kind is Right?

Pets for your home can be any number of animals that are appropriate for you and your family. You must consider whether you want a pet that lives inside or that remains outdoors and how much interaction with that pet you hope to have. The amount of money you are willing to spend for upkeep should also be considered. Your pet will hopefully be with you for an extended period in which they will need food and care. Considering the basic personality and upkeep of different types of pets will help you choose one that is perfect for you.

Types of Pets

While there are literally thousands of animals that could be considered pet-worthy, there are a few basic types accessible to most families. There are some others that are popular, but not necessarily widely accessible.

• Dogs are obviously a top pick for family pets. A lot of families like to get a puppy for their young child so they can grow up together. This is a sweet idea and can develop very tight bonds. Dogs are high maintenance. They require feeding multiple times a day, constant fresh water, walking or space to run around and affection. They are wonderful animals if well taken care of, but are easily traumatized if treated badly. Despite popular belief, American pit bulls are considered among the best breeds to raise from puppyhood with young children. There are thousands of breeds to choose from, ranging in size from the minuscule teacup varieties that weigh only a few pounds in adulthood, to the enormous animals that can outweigh a grown man.

• Cats are also popular choices. These animals can be very playful and affectionate, but also aloof and distant. Some cats require a lot of grooming to remain healthy and happy, while others need only food, water, a litter box and a comfortable place to sleep. Declawing was once common practice, but is now considered an inhumane procedure that is discouraged. This means that you may want to provide scratching posts so your pet can respond to its natural urge to scratch. Some cat owners have also had great success training their cats to use a toilet or bath tub instead of a litter box. Because they are carriers of potentially harmful bacteria, having a cat is not recommended during pregnancy and infanthood.

• Fish are great starter pets for children. They require only food and water changes. They aren't cuddly, but can be fun to watch. One drawback is that they do not have terribly long lifespans, which can be very hard on children.

• Lizards are popular among boys. Their size ranges from inches up to six feet long or more. When they are small, they are kept in heated aquariums and the larger sizes live freely in the house like a dog. Some of these animals can be fed pellets or vegetables, but most eat bugs or small animals. Food can be freeze-dried, but live food is considered best. This may be difficult for squeamish people who don't like the idea of watching something being eaten alive. Lizards can be very loyal, fun to own and require little maintenance.

• Pigs are the trendiest of pets right now, especially the newest breed of teacup pigs. Teacup pigs are less than 5 pounds in adulthood and can be treated like small dogs. They are very clean animals, but require a lot of attention and affection, as well as exercise, to be happy and healthy. Pot belly pigs are a popular choice because they are easily domesticated, clean and highly intelligent. Note that owning pigs is prohibited in some areas due to livestock laws.

Choosing the right pets for your home means finding an animal that meets your family's affection and financial needs. It is a fun adventure to choose the newest member of your family and get to know them.

For more information about pets for home [http://www.pets4home.net] visit our website [http://www.pets4home.net]

Benefits of a Petting Zoo

There are many benefits to your child or your children when you take them to a petting zoo for the first time. One of the first benefits is that your child or children can get to see the different kinds of animals first hand.

Many children like the ones who live in the cities do not get to see the kinds of animals that live in petting zoos. A zoo of this kind can have a variety of different animals that are usually hand raised and very gentle.

In a petting zoo, you will usually find baby animals like goats, chickens, burros, lammas, lambs, and often-small baby calves as well. These kinds of baby animals have usually been, orphaned for one reason or another and need a human to raise and care for them.

The people who raise the babies will pay for the care of the babies by charging a small fee for people to visit, pet and interact with the animals. The fee covers some for their coast for the milk supplements, feeds, and veterinarian bills the babies need.

Touching an animal is new and exciting to a child and you can watch as your child finds his or her favorite animal. One animal in particular at the petting zoo will fascinate your child. Touching the animals at the petting zoo is a benefit to your child as well. The animals have a different texture to their hair and skin.

The different textures will be a new experience to your child. You child will also gain knowledge of the different kinds of animals at the petting zoo. He or she will learn the difference between a baby burro, and a baby lamb. The two look similar when they are small however; they are totally, different species of animals.

One of the next benefits to your child is the zoo allows your child to hear the different sounds around him or her. The animals make quite different sounds. This will be unlike anything he or she has ever experienced.

A petting zoo is often, designed for small children and pre-teens to have a wonderful experience especially if your child lives in a city situation. The petting zoos give the parents the opportunity to expose their children to the animals and let the children have fun. The children can pet all the animals and feed the animals by hand as well. To a small child who has never seen these creatures before this is fun, new and exciting all at the same time.

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The Physical and Emotional Benefits of Owning Pets

Owning a pet is a profoundly rewarding experience, as the many millions of people who have pets already know.  How is it that so many people have come to share their lives and their homes with a dog, cat, or other animal companion?  What do we get out of the care we lavish upon them?  For the most part, the answer is self-evident:  Our pets gift us with friendship, with loyalty, and with unconditional love.  They are members of our family; they accept us for who we are.  This seems like a more than ample compensation for the food, shelter, and protection we in turn offer them, but the fact of the matter is that the physical and emotional benefits of owning a pet are far more significant than most of us ever realized.

Taking care of a pet inspires feelings of compassion.  For many children, for instance, helping to take care of the family pet is one of the first times they experience a sense of responsibility.  It also teaches children how to feel empathy for another living being.  This emotional development is extremely important.  It has long been known that children who fail to show empathy are exhibiting signs of stunted emotional growth and have a greater likelihood of serious social problems later in life.  The kindness animals teach our children to possess is something that will benefit them the rest of their lives.

Emotionally, pets serve a more simple purpose:  They keep us from being lonely.  For those suffering from some forms of depression, this can be a blessing beyond words.  Those within the throes of depression are often isolated because of their illness, and the affectionate companionship of a pet can be a light in the darkness.  For the elderly, too, owning a pet holds many benefits.  Taking care of a living creature can provide a sense of fulfillment and a purpose to life.

The physical benefits of owning pets are even more impressive.  Having a pet can actually reduce one's cholesterol and blood pressure.  Not only that, but due to the fact that pets can significantly relieve levels of stress, people who own pets actually have a lower chance of becoming ill.  Dogs, cats, and other pets are even known to increase the survival rate of pet owners who have suffered heart attacks because of this.

In a more general sense, owning certain kinds of pets keep people healthier through the amount of activity or exercise that is necessary for the animal's day-to-day care, such as with walking a dog, riding a horse, or many types of play that are part of the fun of having pets.  Daily exercise is as good for us as it is for the animals we care for, and helps improve circulation, metabolism, and overall heart health.

This bond is not one-sided.  Cynics might sneer that animals don't share our affection, that they're only in it - so to speak - for the free food.  This is far from true.  Our pets feel love for us and there are numerous examples of pets that saved an owner's life by sacrificing their own.  Through the compassion they inspire, owning pets makes us more human, and that is likely the biggest benefit of all.

Learn all about the benefits of pet ownership as well as explore the exotic side of nature at:
Animal Articles.

2012年9月29日 星期六

A Jack Russell Terrier for Your New Pet - The Pros & Cons

Why You Should or Shouldn't Choose a Jack Russell Terrier for a Pet

Terriers are among the most popular dogs around the world. There are about 7 different breeds of terriers that have reached the top 50 in popularity. Most terriers are lively, intelligent, and cheerful dogs who will be your new best friend. The Jack Russell Terrier is becoming one of the most popular of the terrier breeds as pets.

They were actually bred as fox hunting dogs and they certainly have a strong hunting spirit as they enjoy outdoor activity. If you're about to get a Jack Russell Terrier you need to learn more about them, especially their personalities. Like all pets there are a number of pros and cons to consider before taking the leap.

A Jack Russell will make an especially great pet for active owners. They have a lot of energy and do best where they can interact with outdoor type owners. Jack Russell Terriers are considered to be one of the most intelligent dogs in the world. They learn very quickly and have the potential to learn many difficult tasks. They need to be trained properly to get the most from them, although they will learn quite a bit on their own.

The Jack Russell Terrier has a good reputation for getting along with children. They always appear to be happy which has a positive influence on children. Once they make an interaction, the children respond well to these bundles of energy. Because children also have tons of energy they get along well with these pets and usually become inseparable.

Even if you live in an apartment or mobile home it doesn't mean a Jack Russell Terrier won't be a good pet for you. They are small enough so any dog rules won't preclude you from owning one, but you need to be able to take them outside often.

Another plus of them being small is they don't eat much so it doesn't cost a lot to feed them. Jack Russell Terriers are pretty hardy little dogs and don't need any special food or medicine, just make sure you feed them a good diet. Their small size also helps keep them clean as bathing and brushing them is quick and easy.

One of the disadvantages of the Jack Russell Terrier is that they don't get along well with other animals. They tend to be aggressive with other dogs as well as other pets, especially cats. If you have other pets you might want to think twice before getting one. I have talked to people who say they have raised Jack Russell's from puppies with other pets and have had no problems.

Make sure your pet terrier gets outside often so that it can run off some of its energy and you can do some training with them. Don't keep them confined or ignore them as this will make your pet Jack Russell unhappy, which could lead to destructive behavior and might even cause aggression towards people.

You should probably get a Jack Russell as a puppy so that you can train it to interact in the correct way with your family. They are very smart little dogs and will take to training especially when its done correctly. Rather than try to come up with a training schedule on your own, you should study professional training books or videos before trying to train your pet.

The problem with trying to do it yourself is that it's typically hit or miss because life often gets in the way and the kids don't normally have the discipline to train correctly on their own. Your pet Jack Russell terrier has so much energy that you have to really bear down on them to keep their attention for training. Unless you have plenty of time to exercise and train them you should probably not think about getting one as a pet. They really need to be exercised every day which will also help with their training and obedience.

Jack Russell Terriers could be great choice as a pet dog if you are looking for a happy, active and loving pet. Make sure you and your family have the time to devote to training and provide lots of exercise. Normally it will be a good pet for a family who wants only one pet. The Jack Russell doesn't have to have any special housing requirements, which is good if you live in an apartment or mobile home. It also doesn't have any special feeding requirements. Now that you have considered both the advantages and disadvantages of having a pet Jack Russell Terrier, I think you'll agree it would be an excellent choice for your new pet.

If you are a pet owner or thinking about becoming one you should go to the website at Natural Pets Health to get more information on natural pets health foods, products & cures. You will also find general information such as the pros & cons of owning along with the caring for & feeding of all types of pets from dogs to snakes to fish to exotics.

Say Woof to Pet Adoption!

A positive relationship between the human being and a pet is unanimous. When the love and care is unconditional it works wonders for the mind body and soul- for the pet and the owner. Pets have always been a source of strength, symbol of understanding and need for us humans to balance the nature around us. Pet adoption of different breeds of dogs, cats, horses, exotic animals are now available even online. Pet adoption has become easier with the help of the internet and now even children can choose the pet they want. Pet adoption can be done through various other ways like approaching the animal shelter, friends, rescue centers and communities that encourage people to adopt. Most people like adopting dogs and cats that are easier to domesticate. It is also easy to look after them and if need be take them along while traveling. They are perfect companions who can be trained to bond with humans. They are particularly easy going with children. But it isn't easy trying to find an animal to shelter especially if one is looking for a 'play thing' for children. Even adults have problems trying to cope up with animals they adopt. Hence a little care and wisdom before adoption helps, especially when it is being done to please children.

What you should know if you are buying a pet for a child.

A 6 year old child sees one of its peer groups playing with a dog or a cat and may want one. But not all children understand the meaning of having a pet to play with. They don't know anything about allergies they may develop, or may not know how to care for the pet either. Hence it becomes the duty of the parents to guide and the best thing is to approach professionals who can prove to be of assistance if the child is adamant on buying a pet. Approaching a reputed animal shelter is essential. There are numerous websites that have listings for pet directories. Find one that will put on leash all the queries that to be tackled. A small puppy or a growing kitten, there are plenty of choices for pet adoption. Read up material on the breed you wish to adopt, if it is your first time and the child needs it badly. Pets need to be trained, inoculated and given their own space too.

For pet adoption Albuquerque, visit Animal Humane.

Dogs, Children and Responsibility!

Dogs and children seem to go together like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a perfect match for the most part. For many of us, growing up included at least one dog and maybe a cat or two.

Not too much attention was paid to spaying or neutering, kittens or puppies were considered part of the game when you had a pet. Trips to the vet were only for dire emergencies and it took a lot to determine what was a dire emergency.

Not too much attention was paid to what we fed our pets, the dogs usually got table scraps and the cats were supposed to catch their food and usually fed some milk and whatever else they would eat.

Life was fairly simple during those childhood days; Mom and Dad assigned simple chores and the family as a group kept watch on each other including the pets.

Where did those times go and why is life suddenly so much more complex?

As I look back on a time when our family had nine dogs. We did not go out and acquire nine dogs the dogs acquired us. With the exception of the three we did choose to be our dogs, the other six seemed to drop out of the sky and onto our driveway to become members of our household.

And this is where our story begins. Where does responsibility fit in when you first set out to get a pet for yourself or your child?

Many parents think that getting their child a dog will teach the child responsibility. The child will learn to be responsible for the care of something. The child will learn empathy and love for another living being. And if all else fails, there will just be so many opportunities to get some really cute pictures of their child and dog to show off to family.

These are all great reasons for getting a dog, but there is one very important point missing. If you want to teach your child to be a responsible dog owner you have to be one, too. You cannot teach your child anything, if you are not setting the example with your own behavior.

Having a dog as a pet in the family means just that, the dog is part of the family and what do family members do? They watch out for each other. If Mom or Dad is not a good role model when it comes to taking care of the dog, how is the child to learn?

Certainly, you can assign all the chores to the child you want, but if you are not willing to step in when necessary and show the child where it is being neglectful and take over the duty, nothing is gained.

Threatening to get rid of the dog if the child does not tend to its responsibilities does not teach responsibility, it teaches the child that the dog is a disposable item and is as meaningless as a broken toy. The dog is really not a loved member of the family, but something that can be tossed away (like in our driveway) or taken to a shelter. And should the child in a fit of anger say, "fine take the dog away," even if he/she does not mean it. How can we measure the emotional trauma the child may face in the future, when the guilt of giving up the dog sinks in?

Giving up a dog or cat may not seem like an emotional problem to a busy non-pet caring parent, but as the reality sets in to a child it may damage that child's future ability to fulfill responsibilities or to commit to relationships, canine or otherwise. Our animal shelters are filled with these broken bonds as are many homes where animals have been dropped along the roadway and caring people have picked them up to give them forever homes.

I guess the point I am trying to make is, if you are a parent and you want to teach your child some responsibility, along with bringing more love and joy into your home by getting a dog. Do it only if you the parent are going to commit yourself to helping care for the pet. Do not even think of it if you are going to use the pet as a threat over the child's head or as a means of punishment for a wrongdoing. Unless you are willing to accept the dog as part of your growing family, as a responsibility for yourself and your child, get a fish.

If your child does not fulfill his/her responsibility, neglects their chores take away a privilege do not use the dog as a threat, you would not threaten to take away a younger brother or sister if the older child did not fulfill a babysitting responsibility, would you? If your dog is not part of the "real" family it has no business being there in the first place.

The only way a child can learn to be a responsible human is by following in the footsteps of their parents. If you are a loving, humane and caring individual, who shows love and compassion to not only people, but to the family pet, guess what your child will learn to do! Yep, follow in Mom or Dad's footsteps!

Having to raise a puppy along with a child is not an easy task. If you are not familiar with the problems that lie ahead, attend some training classes many classes will allow children over the age of seven. Use the same positive training methods on the puppy as you would use on your child. Do not hit or beat the puppy for wrongdoing.

Read a dog training book or two in order to get a handle on what to expect before you venture out to get a dog. Do some research on what breeds are better with children, some are, some are not.

Never and I cannot say this strongly enough leave a child under eight alone with a dog, puppy or not. Too many dogs have bitten children when they have been left unsupervised.

Teach your child how to play gently with your dog. When walking your dog and you have a young child, put two leashes on the dog and let your child walk with the longer leash and you keep control with the shorter one.

You can teach your child and your dog basic commands like sit, stay and come. Teach your child that those commands are not to be used as "toys" to drive the dog crazy as some children will keep at the dog until it get stressed out and may bite. If your child understands that you treat your dog as you would a close friend with kindness and by being polite the relationship should last a lifetime.

I hope these few ideas and thoughts will help you and your family build a long and loving relationship with your family pet.

If this article has been of benefit, please visit my web site and blog at http://www.cats-and-dogs-on-the-web.com

2012年9月28日 星期五

Choosing the Right Pet For Your Child

Pets are something that nearly every child looks forward to and wants to have in their home. But in choosing the right pet for your child there are a number of things to consider.

The first thing to consider is your child's age and maturity level. While some experts suggests that your child should be at least six years old before having a pet, what really matters in their level of maturity. Before choosing a pet for your child you should be confident that they have self-control and know to obey the word "no". This is very important because if your child is unable to follow directions completely it can cause harm to both the pet and your child. Make sure before you even consider bringing a pet into the home that all of your children are aware of the rules and restrictions that come with having that pet.

The second thing to consider is age of the pet. While many people will prefer a puppy or a kitten that can grow with the family and be trained with the family, it may actually be better for younger children to have an older pet. Pets that are fully grown are normally calmer, and if you get one that already has experience around children and has been trained, you can reduce the amount of problems that come with training and caring for a new pet.

Often puppies and kittens will bite and scratch as way of playing and of learning, and can injure your child, causing them to dislike the new pet. The added benefit of an older pet is less mess, they will not have to be potty trained or taught not to scratch the furniture.

The type of pet that you wish to choose for your child is also very important. Dogs and cats are the most popular and among the safest pets because they are domesticated and meant to live in a household. Other animals like amphibians, reptiles or birds are normally not domesticated or adjusted to living in a household and can therefore cause a number of problems, including running away. These animals are better suited to living in their natural habitats and can often make troublesome or unaffectionate pets.

Larger rodents like rabbits or guinea pigs can be good choices for building up to a larger pet like a dog or cat. They are relatively easy to care for and will become friendly if socialized and handled often. If your child is able to follow your households "pet" rules with a small pet first, you can be confident that you can move on to a cat or a dog.

By choosing an animal that suits your lifestyle, and your parenting style, and suits your child's personality, you can provide your child with a friend and companion to grow up with and learn from.

Denise Sanger is the owner of NewCoolToysOnline.com?which carries a great selection of pool toys and bath tub toys.? She also owns USAPoolToy.com which is a wholesale distributor of toys and gifts.? The company may be reached at 877/950-7665.

Pet Birds For Children - 3 Birds That Make Great Pets For Children

Birds are fascinating creatures for adults to watch, but even more so for some children. Choosing a bird that will not only match your lifestyle but will match the level of care that your child is able to provide will allow your child to take an active and important part in the bird's care. A positive experience with a pet bird will increase your child's sense of responsibility and foster the importance of caring for other than self. The bird will benefit from being provided with all that it needs to live a long, happy and healthy life. Here are 3 birds that make great pets for children.

The 3 birds below are chosen because they are relatively inexpensive, do not need as much human interaction as some larger parrots, are readily available in a wide array of colors in most places, eat a pretty standard diet, and are relatively quiet making them great choices not only in free standing homes but for apartments, condos and townhouses as well. The birds below are by no means the only 3 that make good pets, but they are certainly a good place to start your search. And even though the bird may be billed as your child's pet, parents should take ultimate responsibility for the care of the bird, and gauge the care that your child provides based on their maturity and ability.

Finches come in an amazing variety of colors and sizes. They are active and cheerful little birds (usually 3- to 8 inches) that chirp quietly, and need a cage that allows them to fly from place to place. They will do best if paired with another finch that is compatible. Pairing them means they can interact with each other rather than depending on their humans. The cage needs to be at least 18 inches square and bigger if possible especially when housing 2 birds, and needs to contain perches at several levels. Depending on your child's age their responsibility could include providing daily water, food, and changing the paper on the bottom of the cage. A cage with a pull out tray at the bottom makes this an easy task that does not require handling the bird or risk the bird's possible escape from the cage. Note that Finches born in the United States are illegal to have as pets.

Parakeets or Budgies are relatively easy to care for, and having 2 will insure that they can provide the social interaction for each other that they need to stay physically, and emotionally healthy. Of the birds discussed here, they have the longest lifespan, living 10 to 15 years. Give careful thought before adopting this bird as it means a long term commitment that may continue even after your child moves away from home. Available in all colors and sizes, the hardest part will probably be in choosing from such a huge selection.

Canaries have been man's feathered friends through the ages and vary in size from about 5 to 8 inches. Many think of this bird as canary yellow, and while that continues to be a popular color, they are also available in varying shades of red and orange. Their wonderful songs provide many hours of pleasure with the male tending to sing better than the female. These birds are pretty hardy with females living 5 to 6 years and the male sometimes up to 10 years with good care. It is essential to have a large cage that will allow your bird to exercise his wings by being able to fly inside the cage-long being better than tall. Avoid placing the cage in a drafty area as this will kill your bird without warning. Be sure to keep room temperature between 60 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. These birds, as all birds, have very sensitive respiratory systems, and at one time were taken into mines to detect poor air quality. When the Canary died it was an indication that the air was no longer safe. Remember to keep your bird away from the kitchen as many fumes produced there are deadly to your bird (smoke from a burning Teflon pan for one).

An excellent way to keep the air quality high in your home and keep your child's pet bird healthy is to remove airborne bird feathers, dust, and dander from the air with a high efficiency particle arresting (HEPA) air purifier-- the Bird Dander Purifier offered by PurerAir.com at http://purerair.com/bird_dander_air_purifier.html

The Healing Power Of Your Family Pet

There are some very good reasons that Americans share their homes with approximately 68 million dogs and 73 million cats and spend about 34 billion dollars a year on their animal companions. Why the love affair with pets? Well, for one reason, there is significant scientific evidence that pets not only help reduce the amount of time we spend at the doctor's office, but they also improve the quality of our lives and increase our longevity! For Baby Boomers and Seniors, in particular this is very good news!

It has long been acknowledged that our pets bring us many gifts and life lessons - friendship, companionship, unconditional love, loyalty, acceptance and forgiveness.

Children, as well as adults and seniors have always shared a special bond with animals. Dogs, cats, horses, birds, among many others, become our brothers, sisters, and best friends. For many older men and women who are widowed, divorced or separated from human family members and friends and who are alone and lonely, these animal companions become their "children" and beloved members of the family.

Older adults trust and confide in their animal companions. A pet supplies security, a safe haven and comfort zone, in which we can let down our guard and truly be ourselves without worrying about how we look or act or appear to others. And an animal companion doesn't judge, blame or criticize us. It loves and accepts us just as we are. It is loyal and empathetic and stays close and supportive during hard times. It is beside our side when we are ill or sad or depressed. The animal is there for us no matter how stressful, difficult or challenging one's life becomes. In addition, for both children and adults and particularly the elderly, pets fill a basic human need to love and nurture.

Family pets also make us feel useful and needed. They encourage us to engage in life more actively as the pet depends upon its family for food, exercise and medical care. They entertain and amuse us - they provide fun and laughter simply by being genuinely who they are. They seem to understand our feelings and attempt to accommodate them. They enable us to have someone nonjudgmental with whom to talk and communicate. They tend to bring us closer together as families as they share so much of our lives with us - day in, day out, holidays, vacation time - even when we're having a meal, reading, talking on the phone, watching television, and so on.

But the benefits of pet ownership do not end here. Animals may serve as a uniting thread in a family that is undergoing significant lifestyle changes. For example, families experiencing Empty Nest or Retirement as their children go off to college or on to marriage and families of their own may experience loneliness, depression, anxiety a sense of loss and purposelessness which the comforting presence of animal companions can decrease or even help eliminate. A pet's presence may help ease these transitions.

There are many physiological as well as psychological benefits associated with pet ownership. The simple act of petting an animal friend has proven to be of significant physical and psychological benefit. His presence has a calming effect. Blood pressure is reduced. Heartbeat is improved. Resistance to disease is heightened and tension is decreased. Our animal companions reduce stress, fear and anger. They also decrease loneliness and depression. As we get older, these pets can also offer us a sense of well being, encouragement, support and friendship. Loving and caring for an animal companion helps us to remain active and stay healthy. They may even provide us with a new purpose in life and a reason for living.

Our animal companions provide us with so many gifts. They serve as our friends, teachers, healers and guides. They teach us patience, loyalty, grace and gratitude. Most importantly, they teach and bring us the most precious gift life has to offer - that of unconditional love.

DIANE POMERANCE Ph.D. is the author of six highly acclaimed books and numerous articles. She is an internationally recognized pet expert who has been interviewed on countless radio and television programs, newspapers and magazines.

2012年9月27日 星期四

Are Rabbits Really the Perfect Pets?

So you have made the decision to keep a small pet. Whether you are getting your new friend from professional breeders, friends or pet stores, you need to be aware that the animals may vary widely in the quality of their health, as well as in the nature of their personality. Selecting an unhealthy pet can lead to big health care expenses, while choosing a sullen or anxious pet can interfere with your mutual enjoyment and happiness. Here are some tips to help you search objectively, by asking yourself and others the right questions.

Small pets include guinea pigs, hamsters, gerbils, sugar glider, chinchillas, mice and rabbits. Because small pets are nocturnal, observing them under "normal" conditions may be difficult. Throughout the day, and even under store lights in the evening, nocturnal animals, such as hamsters and chinchillas, are likely to be sleeping. They are also likely to find customer traffic intimidating. I would recommend that you visit prospective small animal pets on more than one occasion. Watch for these behaviours, both good and bad.

People often have preconceived ideas about how domestic rabbits should behave as pets. When the rabbit does not live up to these expectations, it is often abandoned. Being aware of these misconceptions and accepting your rabbit for what he is will make you and your rabbit much happier.

We always have this misconception that rabbits are low maintenance pets. Rabbits require as much work as a cat or dog. They require fresh food and water daily, clean cages and litter boxes. In addition, rabbits require daily exercise and out of cage time in a "bunny-proofed" area for their mental and physical well-being.

Rabbits are ideal starter pets for children. Most young children are actually not ready for the responsibility of caring for a pet. Within weeks of bringing the rabbit home, children may lose interest in the rabbit. Taking care of rabbits then become the parents responsibility.

Do all rabbits love to be picked up and cuddled? Rabbits are often featured in childrens books as being cuddly and docile. While some rabbits certainly enjoy spending time with their owners. Most rabbit do not like to be held or carried. Rabbit bites or scratch to remove itself from this situation.

Rabbits are bred to look a certain way, not for behavior or personality traits. Even dwarf rabbits need cages large enough to allow space for the rabbits to stretch out and stand up on its back legs.

Getting an older or second-hand rabbits are dangerous because they may be aggressive. Many rabbits are re-homed through no fault of their own. Even those that have been re-home several times can still bond with a new owner and display signs of affection. It can be rewarding to adopt a rabbit and give them a second chance for a happy life.

I am a pet lover and I analysis pets characters. Pets are lovely to have but you as their owner plays a very important roll to care for them and keep them safe and living today.

Choosing A Pet: What To Consider

The first problem you face when choosing a pet for yourself or your family is the kind of animal to buy. Your options are usually a dog, cat, fish or a bird. This article will advise on the best decision to make.

You need to decide whether you want a pet mainly for companionship or also for exercise or to perform the role of a guard dog, for example. If you are considering a cat, there are around 59 different breeds to select from. You may wish to choose a breed of cat that sheds less hair in which case you should select a Siamese, for example.

If choosing a dog, go for a breed that is not too excitable if you have young children and do not buy a large jumping breed like a Dalmatian or potentially dangerous breed for children like a German Shepherd or killer breed such as an American Pit Bull.

In the case of a fish or bird as a pet, you should not assume that these animals will be low maintenance. A fish requires quite a lot of looking after to keep it healthy and its tank needs regular cleaning. Similarly with a bird's cage.

If you are choosing the pet for a family, it may be a good idea to discuss it with your children and even bring them along to the dog or cat breeder to see how they relate to the pet. My parents did that for me as an 11 year old and the dog we chose was the one that instantly bonded with me by greeting me with great enthusiasm.

Other issues you need to consider are whether you or your children suffer from allergies that could be triggered off or made worse by a cat or a dog for example. If you or any member of your family suffers from allergies, I would say reconsider any decision to buy a pet of any kind. Pets and allergies do not mix. However, if you feel a pet is essential for companionship or whatever reason, get your allergies checked out by a doctor and ask for advice on the best option in the way of a low allergy risk pet.

Most people benefit from having a family pet - especially children. They are great company and in the case of a dog a great way to force yourself to have regular exercise. But you need to realize there is no such thing as a zero maintenance pet. Every pet will require some real work to look after it. You must be prepared to put in the effort and look after any animal you get as a family pet.

If you are not prepared to do so, http://app-products-info.webs.com it is better not to go down this path in the first place.

I have a background in business as well as having worked for a boss in various employment from politics to the civil service. I am currently involved in a consultancy where I advise on business start-ups in the renewable energy and building sectors.

2012年9月26日 星期三

Do You Need Some Webkinz Information on Webkinz Pets Of The Month?

What do you know about webkinz toys?

What do you know about webkinz pets of the month? First of all, I need to ask what you know about webkinz toys. If nothing at all (though the product becomes more and more popular very day), you need some webkinz information.

Webkinz pet toys: why are they loved?

Today webkinz pet toys are appreciated as a clever toy not only by kids but also by their parents. Why is it so? Firstly, webkinz toy is rather cute: it is a pretty plush toy of various types of animals, so you can choose any of these animals; it depends on your taste. In reality, a plush toy is splendid; however, would it so famous, if it were a common plush toy? Surely, not! What is the main secret of webkinz? It is developing, educative and connected with modern technologies (up-to-date so to say). Each plush toy pet has its secret code that provides you with an opportunity to enter an unusual world: the world of webkinz. In this world your children are able to get a lot of hours of online games, fun, and education. The site of webkinz toy pets is created with the purpose of children's correct development and advanced education. Children can adopt their pets online and then take care of them: earn money for them, feed the pets, take them to the veterinary surgeon, play and talk to them. Thus, the site gives your children an opportunity to learn how to budget, earn money and take care of household needs and pets.

Some webkinz information

And now the most interesting webkinz information: the site on webkinz organizes various programs, such as webkinz pet of the month for instance. The main point of the program is that every month a webkinz pet is chosen. If you enter the plush's secret code during its month, you can get a Loot Bag full of gifts, for example: Kinzcash, an Exclusive Pet of the Month Item, a Wshop Coupon and so on. If you are the owner of the webkinz pets of the Month, you can take part in special activities that are offered throughout the month. And now I'll give you some information about what animals are webkinzs pet of the month. The Webkinz Panda is considered to be the Pet of the Month for May 2008, Webkinz Elephant has been named the Pet of the Month for June 2008, and it was said that the Webkinz Cheeky Monkey will be the Pet of the Month for July 2008. So take into consideration this webkinz information and participate in the contest of webkinz pets of the month!

Some more webkinz information [http://webkinzio.com/?L=chat.chat]? You can find more about webkinz [http://webkinzio.com/] toys.

The Effects Of Boredom, Loneliness And Separation Anxiety On Your Family Pet

Most pet owners consider their four-legged friends as members of the family. Owners tell funny stories to friends about their pets amusing antics. Some pet owners even celebrate the birthdays of their feline and canine companions. Like other family members, owners cuddle with pets, talk to them, nurse them when they are sick, and punish them when they do things that are against the rules. Yet, while most pets are well-behaved, many owners have come home to find things ripped to shreds by their dog or that their cat soiled a favorite comforter. As much as owners may react harshly by yelling at or otherwise punishing their furry friends, consider the likelihood that these pets are reacting out of boredom, loneliness, and separation anxiety.

The reality is that many pets are subject to boredom, loneliness and separation anxiety just as children are. Although it is difficult to rationalize the destruction of property, pet owners should be careful not to anthropomorphize (to ascribe human characteristics to things not human) pet behavior. It is essential to realize that animals need mental and physical stimulation to prevent boredom and loneliness. Pets enjoy the company of their fellow pack animals to alleviate loneliness, for example, and an owners patient and compassionate help in overcoming separation anxiety is critical.

Researchers and veterinarians are not really sure what causes separation anxiety in some pets and not in others. Lately, the theory is that some pets have experienced a traumatic separation experience and/or may be genetically predisposed to anxious behavior. Animals that are separated from their mothers too early, or have been in and out of animal shelters, appear to be prone to anxious behavior. It is easy to understand why these experiences may dispose pets to continuing anxiety about becoming separated from those to whom they have formed attachments. Pets are creatures of habit, just as humans are.

Many dogs know that it's time for a walk when they see owners grab the leash. Cats salivate when tea is made. They react to the sound of the spoon hitting the side of the cup, expecting a dab of milk as a treat. And, most importantly to this discussion, pets know that they will soon be left alone when you begin to wrap up your morning routine and prepare to leave for the day.

You may have noticed that your happy go lucky dog or cool as a cucumber cat become agitated or tense as you brush your teeth or put your shoes on. This agitation becomes near panic as you reach for your keys and grab your coat. And the panic becomes aggravated when you leave the house. Perhaps the tension doesn't begin until you open the closet door and reach for your coat. "How cute," you think, "Rex wants to go outside." Yet, candidly, dogs and cats know the difference between going for a walk and their owners abandoning them for the day. Your pet is asking to go with you; and, when you appear to be ignoring his needs, he becomes anxious at the thought that you are leaving and may never return.

Have you ever returned home to find that the kitchen cabinets have been opened and all of your dried, boxed food has been ripped open and strewn haphazardly on the floor? Even worse than the actual mess, you recall that you put your dog in the crate before you left for work. The door to the crate is still closed; but your pet is sitting in the middle of the living room floor, surrounded by what's left of your shredded wedding photo album, innocently wagging his tail. The neighbors have started complaining that your pet has been barking and howling constantly and your door frames have been chewed to bits.

A pet that suffers from loneliness, separation anxiety or boredom may display only one undesirable behavior. It is just as likely, however, that your pet is reacting only when you are not home. And unfortunately, this behavior is wreaking havoc on your relationship with your beloved pet. Observe your pet for signs of impending trouble as you go about your morning routine. A dog that is exhibiting signs of separation anxiety will often whimper or whine when they sense you may be preparing to leave.

Pacing the floors, shaking or shivering, and even aggressively trying to prevent your departure are not uncommon behaviors when your pet knows your departure is imminent. In fact, some pets have even taken to gnawing at his paws in an effort to alleviate anxiety - much like humans chew their own fingernails. An pet in the throes of extreme anxiety will occasionally injure himself or herself as a result of their behavior. These are extreme cases and need to be taken very seriously and solved immediately. A chewing behavior often extends to objects, doorways, and your pet may even dig and scratch at windows in an effort to find you.

Some animals may become depressed when they feel their humans have abandoned them. Depression in animals often takes the form of anorexia (refusal to eat) or vomiting. If an owner is leaving for the day, and a pet refuses to eat for eight or nine hours, this is not a significant issue. However, if an owner leaves for an extended period of time, say for a vacation or a job that involves traveling for more than a day at a time, a pet may become malnourished and may require medical treatment. Extreme cases may end with the death of your beloved pet. Incessant barking and howling is also common behavior for a dog that feels abandoned.

Cats who suffer from separation anxiety display many of the same behaviors as dogs. Many pet owners are fooled into thinking that cats have no apparent reaction to their comings and goings. However, just because cats are not known to cause major property damage, there is no reason to ignore their suffering, or to believe they are not bothered by your absence. A cat that is suffering from separation anxiety will pace, and often becomes nervous and clingy when an owner is preparing to leave for the day.

A cat suffering from separation anxiety can also display noisy protests to his owners departure. Cats may also urinate or defecate in inappropriate places and scratch doorways and furnishings. While it was thought that cats did not suffer from separation anxiety, the most recent research indicates that cats, like dogs, form strong bonds with humans, and may become anxious and overwhelmed when their masters leave. In fact, like dogs, cats may groom themselves to the point of baldness or sores.

While there is a tendency of a pet within a specific breed to suffer from boredom, loneliness or separation anxiety - often pure bred dogs and cats, mixed breeds suffer from the same emotional afflictions. Dogs and cats are social creatures. When deprived of the security of their natural mother and siblings, a new pet becomes attached to his new human family members. This is normal social animal behavior. Problems arise, however, when the attachment to the human family becomes excessively dependent. The pressing questions are how do we identify this behavior, and, subsequently, correct the resulting problems. Pets that form intense attachments to their masters are the likeliest candidates to suffer from boredom, loneliness or separation anxiety. Pets need to learn that we will be coming back soon and are not abandoning them forever, especially since animals have no real concept of time.

Soon after an owner departs, a pet begins to miss this attention, likely believing that the owner will be gone for a very long time. Those of us with children have learned that playing peek-a-boo teaches children that parents disappear, but return immediately. Animal experts do not suggest that you play peek-a-boo with your pets. They do, however, know that pets need to learn their owners will return. A dog that practically looses his mind with joy upon the return of his owner is likely suffering from separation anxiety. This is not to say that an emotionally healthy pet should ignore you when you walk in the door after a long day; but, he should definitely not act as if they have been deprived of all human contact for the last decade.

The lessons that reassure pets that their masters will return are best begun while they are young. Leaving animals with their biological mother until they are at least eight weeks old can go a long way toward eliminating feelings of separation. If you have a canine or feline companion that is no longer young, and he is not adjusting appropriately to your absences, you will need to put forth the effort to correct the situation yourself. However daunting the task seems, don't lose hope! Regressive behavior that is a result of boredom, loneliness or separation anxiety can usually be remedied at any age. Old dogs can learn new tricks! Old cats, however, can be a different case altogether. Cats that have learned undesirable behavior are difficult to retrain. As a matter of fact, cat owners know full well that the word "train" often does not apply to cats. Cats are often immune to behavior modification. Yet, take heart, change is still possible.

Curiously enough, some pet owners and experts alike swear by the use of punishment to "break" an animal of an undesirable behavior. Although one must wonder why an owner would want a broken companion, the fact is that punishment is often counterproductive. A fostering of trust with any animal is imperative to building a sound relationship. For the purposes of this discussion, punishment is not a recommended course of action to rid your pet of undesirable behavior; and it is certainly not the way to teach your animal to trust that you have not abandoned him. It is important to remember that your pet is not attempting to punish you for abandoning them by gnawing on everything in sight or urinating on the floor. They are merely afraid that you will not return home. The resulting destructive behavior is the product of their fear of isolation.

Providing a pet with the services of a daycare center is an option, but not always feasible, and prohibitively expensive at that. In lieu of a pet sitter, owners should begin their campaign to reform their pet's behavior by never making a big deal out of leaving their pet alone. Although many owners themselves experience separation anxiety, especially when a pet is new to a home, it is important that owners do not reveal guilt for leaving a new pet. The coming and going of pet owners is simply a fact of life, and a pet cannot always come along. The earlier pets come to accept this fact, the better they will fit into the family. Desensitizing your pet is the first step in helping him or her accept that an owner is not available.

Leave your pet for short periods of time and increase to longer periods. Actually leave the house when you do this exercise, as some pets are not easily fooled. When crate training a dog, use the same process. Leave the dog in the crate for short periods of time, gradually building up to longer stretches. Contrary to what some pet owners believe, crates are not cruel devices for dogs. Dogs are den animals. They often prefer the security of feeling like they are in a warm, safe den-like enclosure. Many dogs that have been crate trained are often found relaxing in their wired den with the door open, happily chewing on a bone or taking a nap. Remember, however, that you should never use the crate as a form of punishment. The crate is a safe haven for your dog, not a time-out room and should always retain positive associations. Additionally, upon returning to home or upon removing a pet from the crate, owners should actually ignore their pet for a short while. Remember, your comings and goings are not a big deal. The idea is that there is no cause for alarm or excitement when you depart or arrive.

In extreme cases of separation anxiety, the process of desensitizing a pet will need to be undertaken in very small steps. Using a variation of the process described above, owners of an anxious pet must approach the desensitizing procedure carefully. Approach your morning routine as you normally would, but in small steps that are easy understand.

1 Begin by putting your coat or jacket on, then sit down on the couch. After a minute or two, remove your coat and put it away. Repeat this action until your pet does not become anxious.

2 Next, put your coat on and grab your keys (purse, bag, lunchbox, or whatever else you may take with you when you leave for the day), then sit on the couch again. After a moment, put your keys and coat away. Repeat this action until your pet does not become anxious during this process.

3 When your pet becomes comfortable with what you are doing so far, you can take the process a step further. Put your coat on, grab your keys and then open the door. Close the door, replace your keys and put your coat away. Repeat until your pet becomes comfortable.

4 You will now repeat everything you have previously done, but now you will actually step out of the house (but don't close the door). You will then re-enter the house and reverse your actions. Do this until your pet is comfortable.

5 Then further the process by actually closing the door for a few seconds or so. Re-enter the house, reverse your actions and repeat until your pet accepts these actions also.

6 The final steps in the process involve closing the door and leaving the house for longer periods of time. Once you are able to leave the house for an hour and a half or so, you should be able to leave your pet alone for a work day. (Make sure that you put your favorite shoes in a secure spot - now is not the time to tempt him.)

Take it slowly. Be consistent. The steps detailed above are a guideline. The actual formula that you use should include pieces of your personal getting-ready-to-leave routine. The idea is to teach your pet that there is no cause to worry. Your pet will soon learn that his human pack members have not disappeared off the face of the earth.

In very extreme cases, there are medications that may help; but, they should be only used as a last resort, and only in combination with desensitization training. To use them alone would doom your pet to a lifetime of medication while ignoring the actual root of the separation anxiety problem. Your vet can prescribe medications such as clomipramine (Clomicalm), fluoxetine (Prozac), or buspirone (Buspar) for a cat or dog who is clearly suffering from the effects of separation anxiety. These medications have been used successfully for separation anxiety in pets and are readily available for use.

Research has shown that pets will often display anxious behavior soon after the departure of owners. Experts believe that occupying a pet during the crucial twenty to thirty minute period after initially being left alone will alleviate any undesirable behavior resulting from boredom, loneliness or separation anxiety. Some dog owners have had success with a "kong". A kong is a hollow rubber toy into which the owner slathers peanut butter, cheese or soft dog food. The theory is that the dog will be so occupied with the yummy kong or bone treat that he or she will not even notice that his master has disappeared. And by the time he or she does notice, the period during which separation anxiety often occurs will have passed. Kongs have been known to work great for some pet owners. Others have discovered that the kong is still full of peanut butter when they come home and pets have instead opted to devour other significant household items. Generally, this is the sign of a dog that is not anxious, but is instead bored and/or lonely.

Providing your cat and dog with appropriate playthings can ensure comfort and entertainment when you are not at home. Make sure that your pet has plenty of bones, a kong, or balls, and offer your cat a catnip mouse and balls with bells inside. Additionally, know that a sleeping pet is a well-behaved pet. It's difficult to cause trouble when tired. Therefore, make sure that your pet gets sufficient exercise. Take walks regularly and allow your dog to interact with other canines. The purchase of a laser light can provide hours of exercise and fun for your cat. Cats love to chase a dot on the wall, and this amusing exercise will keep him fit and out of trouble.

Changing the environment of your pet may also make him feel more secure. Your dog knows that you turn off the television or radio when you leave; so change it up a bit. Dog owners have had some success with leaving the television or radio on while they are gone. For pets, environmental noise is something that occurs only when you are home, and. therefore, alleviates the anxiety that occurs when he thinks you are not in the vicinity. Providing visual or audio stimulation is very successful. Providing a window perch where a cat can observe birds that fly by the house is an example, or you can take advantage of videotapes or DVD's that show birds.

Unlike dogs, when cats misbehave, you cannot march him off to obedience class. Correcting unacceptable feline behavior can be significantly different than correcting canine behavior patterns. A bored or lonely cat may display many of the same behaviors as a cat suffering from separation anxiety. Yelling at him usually generates little response. Inappropriate urination is a very common reaction for cats and can be eliminated using a combination of patience and ingenuity.

For a cat that insists that he must urinate on your clothing or bedroom floor, you must first make sure that there is a litter box nearby. Cats tend to make the decision as to where they want their box located. If your cat is using your laundry hamper as a litter box, try placing his box near the hamper. Gradually move the box to the location comfortable to you. Make sure that the box is filled with the litter that your cat prefers. Cats can be quite finicky about what they put their feet into. Generally, cats prefer clumping litter to clay. Additionally, make sure that the litter is kept clean. By clean, the litter must be clean according to your cat's standards, not yours. Cats are fastidious animals and the difference between a box that has recently been urinated in and a box that is freshly scooped may well be the difference for success.

There certainly are options for pet owners to rid both their canine and feline companions of undesirable behavior. Changing behaviors in both cats and dogs takes patience, planning and lots of rewards. The trick is to make the offensive behavior unpleasant for your dog or cat. Doing so will make both the pets, and their owners, happier and far more comfortable.

In the final analysis, while most pets do not suffer from separation anxiety, all pets suffer from boredom and loneliness. It is a fact. The question becomes how to reverse this perpetual condition. It is an inescapable reality that pets, especially indoor pets, are alone with little stimulation for 10 to 12 hours at a time. There are alternative and creative ways to combat this syndrome. A pet that is hampered with boredom may become restless and destructive. A pet that is lonely has a greater chance of suffering from depression.

With the prevalence of technology today, it is economically possible to engage and befriend your pet during the day, while you are away. Take the time and effort to research those ways that will brighten and liven the days of your pet. Doing so will not only demonstrate that you care, but bolster the health and happiness of your pet. This in turn will only benefit you as a pet owner. You will get more satisfaction of having a healthier and happier pet. You will have peace of mind and reduce sense of guilt of not completely abandoning your pet.

In closing, may all pet owners recognize that we need to be best friends to our best friends.

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Choosing the Right Pet - 9 Rules For Your Decision

Pets are truly members of the family. Over 60% of American households have at least one dog, cat, bird, or other companion animal. Many have more than one. Pets are popular because they provide companionship, unconditional love, a sense of safety, and often a service. These are probably some of the reasons why you're thinking about getting a pet. Animals are fun to be with every day. They reality is they make us feel good!

The most important thing about getting a new pet is that you consider which animal best suits your family. You can start by asking yourself some questions. A pet will become your daily responsibility, so make an informed pet selection. Don't let the playful antics of the first puppy, kitten, or bird you see or the latest status-symbol pet charm you into accepting a responsibility for which you and your family are not prepared.

There are millions of unwanted pets that have to be put to death each year. Pets selected on impulse, "for the children," or as a gift during the holidays sometimes end up this way. These pets once belonged who people who fell in love in with them as puppies or kittens and then their minds because of a lack of commitment or bad behavior caused by neglect or poor training.

Selecting a pet should be a family project with everyone's needs, concerns, fears, and medical history (including allergies) considered. Family members should decide together what kind of animal they want, the amount of time they anticipate spending with it, and the amount of responsibility each person is willing to assume. Be realistic. Promises from some family members, particularly children, may not be fulfilled. Your goal is to identify the best animal(s) for your living space, lifestyle, and budget (don't forget pets cost money). Take time, involve the family, and follow these nine rules.

Consider these things carefully: your new best friend can become your worst nightmare through no fault of its own simply because you didn't take the time to think things out. Only good decisions lead to great pets.

Rule 1 - Don't Be Impulsive

Try not to adopt or purchase a pet impulsively. Make it a deliberate, thought-out action. Buying a pet at a pet shop because it looks so, so adorable is not a good way to add another to your family that could be with you for as many as 10 or 20 years. Sometimes we are not the best judges of our needs and sometimes our desires don't really fit our needs. Ask a close friend or relative what kind of pet they think would fit your life style. Don't be impulsive!

Rule 2 - Visit The Humane Society And Other Animal Rescue Organizations

Pay a few walk-through trips to your local humane society or ferret, guinea pig and rabbit rescue organizations and interact with some of the animals there in a quiet one-on-one basis. Don't pay too much attention to the chatter regarding specific pets. Just observe the pet when it is alone with you and try to make a mental list of its positive and negative points.

Rule 3 - Shop Around

Take the time to learn everything about the type of pet (breed, gender, etc.) you are considering. Pet stores have a pre-designed bias to sell the animals so they are often not the best places to learn about your new pet. Often the negative aspects of a species are glossed over. Remember that a new pet can change the structure of a family and needs to be acceptable to all family members. If you are considering purchasing a dog, learn about the special attributes of many breeds. Dog breeds are as different in their personalities. They all have different temperaments, abilities and needs.

Rule 4 - Consider Your Home Environment

How much space do you have? Is there a back yard? Is it fenced? How will your neighbors feel about this new pet? If you rent, what will your landlord think about this pet? Some pets are great for apartments and others will get you evicted. It's important to consider the right breed for your environment.

Rule 5 - Match Your Pet To Your Life Style

Are you active? Do you work late hours? Some pets get very lonely by themselves while others are not bothered by being alone. Do you have children? Are they mature enough not to be a threat to the pet you choose? Do you travel and if so who will care for the pet while you are away?

Rule 6 - Why Do You Want A Pet

Did the kids just move away? Are you young and on your own for the first time? There is nothing wrong with wanting a pet for any reason as long as you are committed to the concept of owning a pet for the rest of its life. Many pets can live for 10 - 15 years or more. For a pet to be displaced after years with you can be devastating to the animal and can ultimately end with disastrous results.

Rule 7 - Is The Right Time In Your Life To Get A Pet

Is this really the right time in your life to own a (another) pet. If you already have other pets how will they get along with the new one? How stable are your human relationships? How good is your health? These are all very important considerations.

Rule 8 - Are You Able To Meet This Pets Specific Needs

Do some research online or at the library and learn how much care your pet will need. Do you have enough time to properly feed and clean for it? Many pets get bored if they do not have enough one-on-one contact. This boredom can lead to any number of behavioral disorders.

Rule 9 - Finances

Besides the initial cost of the pet, you will inevitably need to pay for vaccinations, emergency Vet bills, cost of any damage the pet creates. Over time, the cost of a good diet will far exceed whatever you paid for the animal. And don't forget pet sitters and dog walkers.

Animal Love Pets is dedicated to helping promote the love of animal and responsible pet ownership through an online portal and the design and creation of unique pet products and designer pet wares.

Visit us at www.animallovepets.com to learn more about how we are helping to promote the love of animals and responsible pet ownership through the design and creation of our unique pet products. animallovepets.com

2012年9月25日 星期二

Pet Adoption

Adopting a pet from your local ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) or animal rescue shelter is an excellent idea. In doing so, you are saving the life of an animal, giving it love and a new home. There are many great pets out there in need of homes and families, and rather than purchasing a pet from a breeder, adopting is a way to give love and life to an animal in need.

Some tips before you adopt: Be sure everyone in your family is prepared for the responsibilities that go along with owning a pet. Be sure every member agrees on the type of animal. Including small children in the tasks of taking care of a pet is a great way to teach responsibility, but as a parent, you should always supervise and assist in taking care of the pet.

You'll also want to be sure the type of animal, the breed, etc., will be okay with all members of your household, especially concerning children. Some animals or breeds do not make good pets for children. Take allergies into consideration, too. Many people are allergic to certain types of animals, so you may want to let members of your family spend time around that type of animal before adopting one.

There are a few different types of organizations that allow pet adoption. Open access shelters generally take in stray animals. Humane societies are private organizations, and foster groups usually consist of foster parents who care for animals temporarily while permanent homes are sought.

Spend some time with the pet before you make the final decision to adopt. Visit your local shelter and spend time with many of the pets. Get a feel for the type you're looking for, and get to know the pet before adopting. Be sure you're compatible with one another.

Purchase food and needed supplies before you adopt your pet. This will prepare you fully to start providing adequate shelter, food, etc., to your pet, and can also give you a good idea of how much time and work will be involved in taking care of the animal.

It is always best to research the pet or speak with a pet dealer or expert about the animal before committing to its care. Be sure you know what you're getting into, with workload, compatibility, and commitment. That way you'll be happy with your new pet, and the pet will be happy with you!

This article has been submitted in affiliation with http://www.PetLovers.Com/ which is a site for Pets.

Petting Zoo Birthday Parties

Hosting a petting zoo party for your child's birthday provides fabulous, fun entertainment that will keep even very young children mesmerized.

Few party activities are more fascinating to tiny tots-and older children-than petting and feeding gentle furry and feathered farm animals, says Melanie Pien, owner of Pied Piper Pony Rides & Petting Zoo, in Carmel, New York.

"Kids get to touch and pet a variety of different animals. They love the different feels of each one," says Pien, who has run the family business for 20 years, and whose company does between 600 and 700 parties a year.

Many adults love the animals as much as kids do, Pien notes. "Some people rent specific animals for the kids and other animals for the parents."

Pien recommends that for very young children, the petting zoo alone (without pony rides) is probably the best idea. Older children will more likely enjoy the pony rides and won't be frightened.

Other advice for parents considering a petting zoo for their kids' parties:

The best ages for petting zoo parties: Interestingly, Pien contends, age really isn't a factor. She points out that she recently did a party for 18-year-olds. "Parents sometimes have petting zoo parties expressly to introduce very young children to animals," she says. As a general rule, though, she advises, "Be sure your kids love animals before you decide to have such a party."

How long: An hour is usually perfect for a group of 20 kids, says Pien. However, some party-givers choose to increase the time by a half hour or an hour.

What to check before hiring any company: The most important factor is current USDA certification, Pien says. Having a license indicates that inspectors have reviewed all animal health care records and have visited the farm to review the living conditions and daily routine care given to the animals.

Insurance is essential: Be sure that the company has full liability coverage for both pony rides and the petting zoo. In addition, many companies offer more insurance options, such as allowing customers to become additional insureds or co-insureds for the day of the party.

Party safety: Keep all food, babies' pacifiers, kids' toys, and other personal belongings away from the area in which interaction with the animals will take place, says Pien.

Equally important, she notes, have running water, soap, and disposable towels available for thorough hand washing immediately after children touch the animals and before they continue with any other party activities. Adults should carefully supervise hand washing for all children-especially, those under age five.

If pony rides are part of the party fun, be sure that pony-ride staff will walk on the side of the pony, next to each child, with one arm on the child's back. Not only does this precaution help keep kids safe; it also makes little ones feel more secure.

Carole Jace is a writer for the popular site, CelebratewithStyle.com The site features advice on planning a party for family members and friends, as well as holiday, business, social, and fundraising events.

It offers ideas and advice from experts on food for parties, stylish decor, dress-up fashion, and beauty. It also provides great tips for kids' birthdays, teen events, and wedding-related festivities

Helping Your Child Cope With the Death of a Pet

The death of a pet is a traumatic experience for any child. It may be the first time he or she experiences the pain of loss. Helping your child work through her grief can make the healing journey more bearable.

First, acknowledge that your child's grief is genuine. No matter how small the pet, your child will have formed an emotional connection with it. A child can grieve as intensely as an adult, albeit for a shorter time.

It is important to allow your child to express grief for his pet. Show him that it's okay to be sad. Hiding your own sadness may make your child feel that he too should be holding back the tears.

Ceremony and remembering

Ritual is an important part of the healing process. It is a way of saying goodbye. A small ceremony or burial to mark the passing of a beloved pet represents closure. There are no rules here; do what feels right. Involve your child in the ceremony. Light a candle or ask your child to write a short poem or say a few words of her own. Don't pressure her to do anything she doesn't want to. This will only add to the trauma.

If a burial is not possible, make a small box with a few of your pet's things - a toy, a piece of blanket, a goodbye card from your child. The box can be buried in your own yard or another special place.

Create a scrapbook or keepsake box to celebrate your pet's life. It has been shown that actively doing something to express grief helps further the healing process. Let your child frame a photo or draw a picture. Encourage your child to talk about his pet and remember happy moments.

Where did my pet go?

The death of a pet will raise issues which you may feel uncomfortable explaining. All but the very youngest children will ask probing questions: Where did my pet go? Why did he have to go?

Gently explain to your child that her pet has died and will not be coming back. Make absolutely sure that your child does not believe that something she has done has caused the death of the pet. Explain in physical terms what death is: the body has stopped working. Explain that a pet's life is naturally shorter than a human life (even though your pet may not have died of natural causes).

Avoid phrases like 'Fluffy has gone to sleep' or 'God took Fido'. Young children take things very literally and may fear that if they themselves 'go to sleep' they will not return, or could be 'taken'.

The age of your child and your personal spiritual views and will determine whether you wish to introduce the concept of a 'soul' or 'afterlife'.

Some grief counsellors recommend the following exercise. Ask your child where he thinks his pet is now. Let his imagination fill out the details of his pet's afterlife. Once your child can imagine his pet in a secure, happy place, it will help him move on to acceptance. This exercise need not conflict with your own beliefs. Your personal spiritual stance can be incorporated into your child's imaginary afterlife. It's also okay to say that no one knows for sure where pets (or people) go when they die.

It's not necessary to go into long philosophical debate about life and death, but to simply answer the question your child asks. Questions will arise naturally over time and it's best to deal in straightforward answers. Discuss and agree with your partner what you will both tell your child, particularly if you have differing religious or spiritual views.

Signs of grieving

Young children may show signs of grieving through upset eating and sleeping patterns, or regression in bladder and bowel control. Be patient and understand that these disruptions to your child's behavior are a way of grief expressing itself.

In older children, grief may manifest itself in behaving anti-socially or appearing withdrawn. Inform your child's teacher of the loss of the pet so that the teacher can be prepared for any unusual behavior displayed by your child.

Adolescents may not outwardly show physical signs of grief for the pet. This does not mean they are not grieving. Your teenager may have lost the only 'person' that he or she could confide in and believed loved them unconditionally.

As with all kinds of grief, it's not over in a day. Your child may ask questions and display signs of grief for months after the death of a pet. Expect your child to return to the subject of her pet's death repeatedly. This repetition helps your child come to terms with the loss. Be patient. Your child will continue to seek reassurance and understanding for a while yet.

A new pet?

Don't get a new pet right away. It may suggest to your child that his pet was insignificant and easily replaceable. You will sense when the time is right to bring a new pet into your home. Choose a time when a pet will be well-received and loved - a good thing for both your child and the pet.

Gary Le Mon is a Board Certified Master Herbalist specializing in natural home remedies for dogs and cats. Please visit http://www.NaturalWonderPets.com for BOGO Specials and useful information on 100% natural, herbal, veterinary/naturopathic remedies you can use at home to heal your furry friends. See also http://www.Natural-Wonder-Remedies.com

2012年9月24日 星期一

My Children Want a Puppy - The Thought Process in Purchasing a Pet For Our Family

Show me a person who does not like animals and I will show you a person who is troubled. Personally, I like dogs because I grew up with them as a child.

Today I am married and have a beautiful six year old daughter and three year old son and they are full of energy and enthusiasm. In other words, my children are into everything and want a puppy.

My wife and I want to buy a puppy for our children because it will help them learn how to care for and enjoy the company of a pet. Having a puppy is a great socialization tool for young children because pets add so much joy.

One of the reasons my children want a puppy is because they were watching the National Kennel Cub Dog Show on television. The show gave my children a broad overview of the different kind of dogs, to include breed, size and energy level of each dog.

I suggested we purchase a puppy that can live inside our house which means we will potty train it, feed it and care for it. By having a puppy inside the house I children will have a good opportunity to interact and care for it.

My vision for a new puppy differs significantly from my wife. Why? My wife does not want a puppy inside our house because she does not want the puppies hair to shed and or the puppy climb into bed our bed to sleep.

I tend to rely on the decision of my children and what they really want and they make good decisions. My children want a puppy to live in the house with us, looks like a three to one vote on purchasing a puppy to live inside our house.

It is going to be interesting to see exactly how things will unfold leading up to the puppy purchase. Perhaps my children will get exactly what they want, a puppy to live inside our house. Mom could very well nix the inside the house puppy because she does not like having a pet in the house.

The bottom line is this, we are going to purchase a puppy because it will be a great addition to our family and help our children understand the level of responsibility it takes to care for a pet. We must also consider if the puppy wants to be part of our family, just because we want one does not mean the puppy will automatically want us to care for it.

Here is to purchasing a puppy for our children. I know our children will love and care for a puppy and learn valuable lessons in the process.

Paul Lawrence Vann is an inspirational speaker who assist organizations and individuals to maximize their human potential and improve their bottom line. He is the author of Living on Higher Ground and is host of The Wealthy Speaker Show. Paul is a leadership expert and diversity train-the-trainer who works with Fortune 500, associations, goverment agencies, military institutions an educational institutions. http://www.paullawrencevann.com, http://www.blogtalkradio.com/paullawrencevann, (240) 416-5077.

Rabbits For Pets - Five Point Checklist When Considering Rabbits For Pets

Are you considering getting rabbits for pets? Do they make good pets? Well as rabbit lovers we're a bit biased but we definitely think they do as long as you've thought it through and make a fully informed decision.

Here's our five point checklist of things to consider if you are considering choosing a rabbit as a pet:

1. Rabbits are a long term commitment

Rabbits can live up to 10-12 years. More and more families are choosing to keep their rabbit indoors rather than outside in a hutch and this increases their life span even further as they are not exposed to predators, extreme weather etc. Whether indoors or outdoors, are you ready to home and love your bunny for this length of time?

2. Rabbits and young children don't mix

One of the more common questions we get asked is 'Are rabbits good pets for kids'?

Most children love rabbits and with their soft fur and fluffy ears what's not to love! However think carefully about getting a rabbit for your children before you take the plunge into rabbit ownership. Rabbits are gentle creatures who can frighten easily and are definitely not suited to noisy, boisterous children. Rabbits aren't suitable for children under the age of around 8 years old.

3. Indoors or outdoors?

We absolutely recommend that your bun lives in your home with you. You can't just leave your rabbit outside by herself and expect her to be happy. Rabbits are social creatures who live in large groups in the wild.

However, If you absolutely have to keep your bun outside then consider whether you should get two bunnies (desexed of course!) so that they have company.

4. Rabbits chew constantly

Rabbits chew. We'll say that again, rabbits chew! It's an essential bunny behaviour - they need to chew to keep their teeth ground down - but unfortunately excessive chewing on inappropriate things (carpet, furniture etc) is one of the biggest reasons (if not THE biggest) reason rabbits are re-homed.

As an owner you won't be able to stop your bun chewing, you can only encourage chewing of the right things.

5. Rabbits need specialized vet care

Bunnies are still classed as 'exotics' and many vets would have had little if any training in rabbit care. If you are considering getting a bunny then do your research thoroughly and ensure you find a vet who specializes in care of bunnies. Keeping rabbits for pets (not breeding, meat or fur) is a relatively recent thing and many vets are only just getting up to speed.

Overall rabbits are NOT low maintenance pets and pet rabbit care isn't as simple as it seems unless you get the right advice.

However, if after reading this you're still considering rabbits for pets, then we know you will be well prepared for the quirky, fun and sometimes crazy world of living with a pet rabbit.

Are you serious about learning to care for your rabbit? Click here for your free rabbit care newsletter...

Choosing A Pet

Pets have been kept by people of all ages around the world for thousands of years. The most common being dogs, cats, fish and birds along with other exotic and unusual pets such as mice, lizards, snakes, crabs and even monkeys. You can expect your pet to be happy and playful and you can teach them to do tricks and obey commands.

If you have children it can teach them responsibility in feeding it on a regular basis, making sure it is getting enough exercise, give it a decent place to live in and check that it is happy and healthy. Pets can also be useful, for example you can train dogs to hunt, guard, herd cattle and sheep and even guide blind people. A good male cat can get rid of mice and rats and birds can fill the air with their pleasant whistles.

Before you decide to purchase a pet you have to realise that along with the fun and enjoyment also comes a serious responsibility. You have to ask yourself if you and other family members if they are prepared to commit themselves to caring for a pet. If you are unsure what pet is right for you and your family ask yourself these questions:

1) Do you have enough money to look after your pet? Apart from food you must account for accessories, kennel costs, veterinarian costs including vaccinations, operations, antibiotics etc.

2) Which family member is wants the pet? For young children a dog or a cat is out of the question because they are too young for that type of responsibility, instead consider a fish tank or even a small bird such as a budgie.

3) Where do you live? If you live in a small apartment a cat or a dog is unsuitable, instead consider a bird or fish. The main point I make is choose so that you can live comfortably in the space you live in, otherwise it can be stressful on you and more importantly you're pet.

4) Will there be someone at home to look after it? For some animals such as dogs require a great deal of attention and like people to be around, on the other hand fish only need to be fed a few times a week and can be left alone for a few days and not need to be fed.

Before you decide or even buy your new pet learn as much as you can about all kinds of pets by reading books, talking to your local veterinarian or pet shop and reading websites such as this one. Find out if your pet needs outdoor exercise and if so how often. If you have children find out if it is friendly and playful with the presence children or if it easily becomes angry and aggressive. Most importantly find out as much as you can before buying. Follow these guidelines and you will be certain that you and your family will get the most fun and enjoyment in all aspects of your pet's life.

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2012年9月23日 星期日

A Parent's Short Guide to Virtual Pets Online

Virtual pets have grown in popularity in recent years. Many people of all ages maintain one breed or species of e-pet or another. If your children are interested in adopting one of their own, or if you are looking for a way to teach your little ones about responsibility and caring for a living thing without buying a pet, then read on.


FooPets offers a graphically advanced virtual dog or cat. This creates some limitations, such as a single coloration for each breed. Signing up for FooPets is free and will require the usual information (name and email address).


FooPets can be played without paying a cent. However, if your child wants to breed his or her pet, they will need to purchase FooDollars. These are currently offered at a rate of roughly 10 cents to the FooDollars. Occasionally, sales are offered. There are other ways to earn FooDollars through completing offers but there is no guarantee the FooDollars will be awarded and many of these request information a young child should not be giving out online.


FooPets offers a relatively friendly community with a forum and a way to chat live with your top friends through a web based program called Meebo. They adhere to a strict no foul language policy. The atmosphere is very child friendly.


Your child will have to care for their FooPets every day. Each pet's health is measured through status bars. Within 24 hours, each bar will be down to nothing. Ideally, food, water and a little playtime should be given to each pet at least once or twice every day. Children can learn to care for their pets and earn FooGems and Karma by doing so.

Chicken Smoothie

Chicken Smoothie lacks the animation and fine pet detail of FooPets, but the creatures here are unique and adorable. They are drawn in a style that is akin to Anime. Unlike other virtual pets, they require no maintenance.


Chicken Smoothie also has its own currency called Chicken Dollars. These are bought with real money and are used to accessorize pets. The current rate is a little over 6 cents to the Chicken Dollar. This site also offers a "shut off" feature if members are concerned about overspending.


The overall feel of Chicken Smoothie is very child friendly. The rules are very similar to FooPets, and a community exists with a forum for social interaction.


If you want to educate your children on caring for a living thing, Chicken Smoothie is not a good option. These pets require zero care and there is no consequence for not caring for your pet. On the other hand, if you want a virtual pet that you can visit at your leisure, Chicken Smoothie may be ideal for you.

Show Cattle

Show Cattle is a little different than the previous two because it does not offer a pet that you observe but rather provides tools for overseeing a cattle ranch. Livestock can be bred, sold or shown.


Show Cattle can be played for free and there is no currency to purchase. However a monthly subscription option is available. The fees are minimal, just under $5 for one month, with options that go up to one year for about $40.


This virtual ranch website may be better suited for older children. Parents may be a little wary of the buying of cattle semen and embryos (although nothing explicit is shown). Also, the site setup would probably quickly grow dull for a young child. There are far less furry, cute creatures and more text and cattle maintenance charts.


Unfortunately, I have never owned a cattle ranch, so I cannot speak on how true to life Show Cattle is. I can say that from a non-cattle owner's position, it looks true to life in terms of maintaining a herd. However, if you want something that focuses on an individual pet for your child, look elsewhere.

The Elusive Female Gamer

I am an avid female gamer with an affection for MMORPGs. I have played a few, starting as far back as Dark Age of Camelot, moving on to World of Warcraft then Warhammer Online. I currently enjoy Runes of Magic and have learned a thing or two about MMORPGs in general. The information provided won't get you "l33t" gear or rare items, but it will help you coexist in groups and form beneficial bonds with your fellow gamers. You can be the charming tank, healer or DPSer everyone wants in their group!

Different My Pillow Pets Pig Options

Picking the right gift for any child can be difficult, but classic gift ideas like stuffed animals have been around for a very long time. That is because animals are something children really love, and younger children really enjoy being able to take their stuffed animal with them to play. However, children and parents are looking for some modern twists to a classic gift and one company that is delivering on that idea would be the My Pillow Pets brand. Wiggly Pig is one of the many great products they have and is also becoming one of the most popular gifts you can give. This great gift is something that children really look forward to getting, and with a great selection of products, you can find the right one for your situation.

The most popular option to pick from is always the My Pillow Pets Pig 18" version. That is because it is the biggest version and children have always loved having big stuffed animals they can play with. This version certainly delivers on being big, soft, and a great looking product. The second most popular item would be the My Pillow Pets Pig 11" version. This item is almost identical to the 18" version except that it is smaller and costs a little less. This version is often preferred by younger children who want a toy where they can carry around and is the perfect size for them. It is also a very nice travel companion.

Not all products by this company have special products such as blankets and backpacks. The fun thing about wiggly pig is that it does have these special items. If you want to match your pillow pet with a fantastic looking soft plush blanket, than picking the pink My Pillow Pets Pig Blanket is the way to go. It is very fun to use and still catches the playful design that make these products fun. The other fun option is the My Pillow Pets Pig backpack. This is perfect for young kids to take to preschool or on sleepovers. It is also a very fun item for them to travel with and even just carry other toys around with. Both are very reasonably priced and a lot of fun.

Picking between these items can be difficult, but all of them are going to make great gift ideas for children. They love the fun colors and designs, plus they look fantastic, making them an obvious choice. Parents also love them because the cost is very reasonable and they are a very durable product that can even be machine washed. Everyone loves these products it seems like, and there are a number of good reasons why.

And for more information about My Pillow Pets Pig, please visit the link provided. Additional information about all of the great My Pillow Pets can be found by clicking on the following link: My Pillow Pets Tiger.